It Really Happened!

Hello and welcome to my blog! I am sure you read the caption and must be wondering whether this is a new kind of joke, but sorry it happened!

Image designed by me in Canva

Here's The Backstory

Precisely seven days ago, I participated in Leo Power Up Day for the month of May 2024. This is an event that takes place every 15th day of each month. Incidentally, that was my second LPUD since I joined Hive. I wrote about my experience on that day and you can read all about it in this post.

Fast Forward To The Present

I woke up a couple of days ago, and to my surprise I got a notification about being mentioned by @leogrowth's Post.
I couldn't resist the curiosity that took hold of me as I clicked to take a look at the post.

I hurriedly did a 'quick scan' from the top to the bottom and back again, looking to see where my name appeared. Lo and behold, I found my name on the table containing the list of winners and their sponsors.

Words Fail Me!

How do I even begin to express how pleasantly shocked I was! I had to check again and again to confirm that I wasn't hallucinating, hehehe! But then, there it is for the whole world to see!

My appreciation goes to @niallon11 for sponsoring this delegation of 10,000 LEO Power to my account. Thank you so much for this very kind gesture 🙏.

I am also grateful to the LEO Finance community for creating this opportunity for people to win delegations and premium subscription. This is very helpful to the growth of LEO enthusiasts and Hivers in general.

You Never Know

I know that in my May LPUD post, I mentioned that people have been winning different prizes for participating in LPUD, and then I jokingly said maybe this time it will be my turn...and it happened.

Anything is possible, but first things first. Get ready for the next LPUD which will hold on 15th June, 2024. There are two categories:

See more terms and conditions in the winners' announcement post I mentioned above. You never know if you will be the next winner!

Thank you for patiently reading to this point. Your presence here is much appreciated. Feel free to leave a comment, and I will get back to you.

First Image: Designed by me in Canva.
Screenshot: Taken From this post.

Thank you once again.

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