May 2024 LEO Power Up Day

That Special Day Is Here Again!

Hello beautiful people! What a great day to be alive and take hold of opportunities that will move us closer to our goals on the Hive blockchain. I warmly welcome you to my blog and I hope you will enjoy reading. Please, do stay till the end as I share with you my experience with LEO Power Up Day.

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As some of you already know, every 15th day of every month is a day set aside as Leo Power Up Day. So, today being 15th May, 2024, there is a lot of people who are taking the time to stake some or all of the LEO tokens in their possession so that they could increase their LEO Power and earn more passive rewards.

My LPUD Experience Today

Today, I am happily participating in LPUD for the second time since this year began, the first time being 15th April, 2024. Incidentally, this is also my second time participating since I joined the Hive blockchain. And to be able to do it, I started preparing from the last one to ensure I have at least 150 LEO before today, hehehe!

Before I powered up

I had about 152 LEO tokens before this morning, and I have staked them all to bring my total LEO Power to about 304 LEO Power. This may not be much, but for me it is just perfect! After all, I was on Hive blockchain for a long time and never participated in LPUD until last month. For me, progress is more about consistency and I know that if I can maintain this tempo, my LP will grow before my very eyes with amazing speed.

After Powering up my Leo tokens

Of course, I know that I can always stake my LEO tokens at any time, but there is something about doing it on the day that has been set aside just for that. I know that some people have been fortunate enough to win LP delegations in past months. What if today is my turn? You never can tell, really. And again, anybody can power up their LEO at any point in time. But it is so much fun to get to do things when there's a big buzz around it, hehehe.

Before now, my focus had been mainly on increasing my Hive Power, saving some HBD and liquid Hive. Somehow, I have only managed to grow my HP, and at the moment still planning to start the saving project.

That is all about my experience today. From today, I will start working towards next month's LPUD. I will be glad if I am able to stake more at that time, who knows? I believe that is very possible.

What Do You Think?

Thank you for reading my post. Did you participate in today's LPUD? Or are you still about to? Do you have a word of advice for beginners on this journey? Feel free to share what you think in the comments section, and I will get back to you.

First image: Free-to-use to use image from pixabay.
Second Image and Third image: Screenshots from my LEO wallet.

Thank you once again.

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