Hive Blockchain Deserves A Seat In The Top Three For These Reasons.

I still wonder why cryptocurrencies with features like high transaction fees, no use cases,crazy energy consumption, no solid community top the list of cryptocurrencies and projects around the world. The Hive blockchain will be two years in a couple weeks and I'm so overwhelmed by the rapid growth on a daily basis and the incredible developments on the chain.


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I was discussing with a friend of my mine who's a developer about why I felt some cryptocurrencies didn't deserve to be in the top positions and why I believe these projects won't matter in the future if they still have tge challenges they have today. Bitcoin was the Big Bang of the Cryptocurrencies and its no surprise why its still at the top but regardless of the price, sometimes I feel it won't matter much in the future because of the challenges that come with Bitcoin.

Hive has some features I believe should be considered for a cryptocurrency to be globally accepted and be on the top list. Note that several other cryptocurrencies have some of these properties but Hive stands out.

A Proactive Community
This is the most important thing about Hive right now. Hive's creation was as a result of a community coming together to stand against tyranny and build a solid chain free from oppression . Most cryptocurrency projects lack a proactive community and there's very little interaction between the users and developers which is one reason why most projects fall apart. Hive on the other hand isn't owned by one individual but every user of the Hive blockchain and that is what makes it special.

Utility And Use Cases.
Hive is the only cryptocurrencies I know with the most use case. I may be wrong but I don't think there's any other cryptocurrenciesout there with blogging ability for content creators, gaming platforms for gamers, Nft platforms for artists all in one while still giving investors the ability to increase their holdings both actively and passively. I really don't think there's any project like Hive right now.

Low Energy Consumption And Transaction Fees.
Hive is one of the most famous projects with very low energy consumption and transact fees which make it so appealing and deserves to be in the top position . Bitcoin, Ethereum and other big names are currently facing the challenges of crazy transactions fees and energy consumption which I believe on the long run may affect them. Hive has one the lowest transactions fees I've ever known and I believe that would bring more attention to it in no time.

Slowly but surely, I believe the Hive blockchain would get the recognised it deserves and ranked among the top spots in no time. With the kind of growth we've witnessed on the platform in just about two years and the developments going on to improve the blockchain, it's closer than we can imagine.

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