Basic marketing tips for fast business growth

Hello lovelies. Am back again this time to talk about the issue at hand which is Basic marketing tips. The idea to own a business is very much important especially now that the condition of things in our world is deteriorating thereby leading people into trying one or two businesses to survive. So, one thing is to own a business, another is to retain both business and customers. Remember, no business thrives without customers.

That is why am here to display some of my brainstorming tips I have proven to be true. Yea, before writing this article, I visited and spent hours in a friend's supermarket just to find helpful tips and later, I asked him some questions too to gain more knowledge so as to have something meaningful to share with you all my blog lovers and article readers. Let's go...

First and foremost, let me drop all the importance tips I discovered, then, we will open their chapters one-by-one. They're here...

  • Greetings
  • Read your customers
  • Be social
  • Polite
  • Your dressing
  • Ready to help
  • Listening
  • Patience
  • Honesty
  • Freedom
  • Avoid argument
  • Be thankful
  • Special displays

All the above mentioned points are the basic things or secrets of all successful business owners on matters related to their relationship with customers. Now, let's open them up chapter by chapter.


This very point is highly essential. Why? myself, if I enter your shop to patronize you and the first comment I received from you is What do you want?. Hmm, it irritates. Therefore, I must remind the person of the very first thing expected from him which is greetings. Therefore, I will ignore that his question or respond with Good day. Next thing you'll hear is : **Ohh, sorry, good....... whatever. hahahah.

So, the point is that when you make it your priority to always greet your customers irrespective of their age, they will always feel free to patronize you.

Let's move to the second point...

Read your customers

Customers are like a big novel which you can't finish reading just in a space of one day. So as a business person, please always monitor the facial signs of your customers. Yes, once they touch your product, their facial expressions drops signals. It's either positive or negative. Whichever one, know how to draw their interest without offending them.

Next is...

Be social

Always ready to play with your customers. Avoid frowning your face. It scares customers away from you.
Always mention their names ( it could be a special name you gave to them, their real names if you know and their A.K.A) As for the new customers, while serving those ahead of them, always throw words like: Please am coming, I will soon attend to you guys. Please be patient Hope it's noted right?

The next bullet point is....


Always show a smiling face to your customers. Make them feel at home. Remember, if you're a customer, there is no way you'll leave patronizing a seller who treats you fine to patronize another who treats you as nobody. Be friendly with your customers. Putting on a smiling face costs nothing. Beware.

Another important point is ....

Your dressing

Remember, your dressing is your address. Yea, if you dress neatly, that alone easily attract customers. And another relevant point attached to this special point is for you to keep your business environment clean. Tidy up any garbage around your corner. This point is very much important to those selling foodstuffs. Why? What you're selling is health related stuffs. Eheh, without food can you survive? So am right. Therefore, once your business environment is clean, there will be no flies in your table.

Apart from this one's, there is another helpful tip I must drop. This is it...

Ready to help

After packaging customers product or goods, instead of just dropping it for them either on the table or their hand, help them put it inside their bags. Or, if you find out their bag can't contain much anymore, why not give them a bigger nylon? isn't that advisable?

While thinking about that, let me open another chapter which is ...


Each customer have need. Therefore, immediately a customer enters your business place, inquire to know the actual thing they need. Don't give them what is not their need. And if you don't have their actual need, you can refer them to another seller. Hope am communicating right?

Ok, let's look into another point that most sellers are lacking. And that is...


Some customers would like to ask various types of questions as if they're examining you. For example, you're a chemist, (chemist people here in my locality are those selling various types of chemical drugs from different companies in a local small shop) or you have a pharmacy, a customer that wants to buy ordinary paracetamol might ask you various questions like:

Emzor paracetamol and M&B paracetamol, what's the difference (Emzor and M&B are different pharmaceutical companies here in Nigeria), So which do you prefer? If you're the one buying, which will you go for? So, are you recommending this or that for me? Anyway, do you have any other stronger analgesic?

Imagine, all these questions before buying one small product!!. Hahaha. Learn how to condone your customers while showing them patience. Some could be annoying. So, above all things, patience is the key. You get it?

Having digested all the above mentioned tips, let's turn a new leaf. Here it comes...


This is a quality lacked by most sellers and businessmen and women. E.g, some would buy a product at the price of 1k, a customer prices 1.2k, next thing you'll hear is :

Hmm, you're funny. Myself didn't even buy it that price. Anyway, as my customer you are, give me 1.8k let me manage.

When that customer refuses to buy, on getting to another shop, he or she bought it at the price of 1.2k, do you think that particular customer will ever patronize you again? Please, call a spade a spade. Avoid dishonest gain. It yields no positive result.

You hate that point? hahaha, but, it's nothing but the truth. Nevertheless, am moving over to the next bullet point which is...


Each customer have the right to chose what to buy and what not to buy. Don't persuade them into buying what they're not interested in just because you want to make some sales. lolz. Important tip, isn't it?

This point I want to talk about now irritates me. Which point is that? Below is the point...

Avoid argument

There is this adage that says:

Customers are always right
So, allow them to always feel You're wrong while they're right. Don't argue with them. If you do, you'll see them patronizing you another day. It's a secret. Just apply it along with the next point which is...

Be thankful

Even if a customer walked in to your shop, price one or two without buying, always appreciate them for entering your shop. Let the word : Thank you never depart from your mouth.

The last one we're going to check on today is ....

Special displays

When it comes to goods, there are various forms of goods and they are: regular, seasonal, new and slow moving goods. So whichever one you have, just package it beautifully, present it to your customers. From time to time, grant special offers to your customers, you can also make posters and place them right beside your business in such a way it would be easy for your customers to see it.


If you as a businessman or businesswoman can apply all the above mentioned tips in your business and same time teach your sales boys and girls if you have any, believe me, you'll experiment a special kind of business growth and you yourself will definitely have ease mind. Thanks for reading this special article from me.

If you should find it interesting and beneficial, feel free to reblog.

I love you all. Hoping to entertain your questions and comments under this post via the comment section. Byeee

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