LEO is about to get listed on a new DEX!!

Hello Readers,

I hope you all are doing well in life and engaging in this crypto world on a daily basis. Well today, I have got some super cool news about the LEO Ecosystem that you are going to love. We all know that the crypto market has been in a downtrend for a long period of time and just recently it has been coming up again and showing green candles while BTC, ETH -and some of the alt-coins have already reached their all-time high value. Many crypto projects while leveraging this uptrend are surfacing now that were either dead or didn't exist before. But, on the other side, the developer folks at https://inleo.io have been working hard on the clock to make things awesome for us in this long downtrend time, while most of the other projects were inactive.

I still remember when they launched a brand new website for their project back on May 1st, 2023 and also revamped themselves from Leofinance to Inleo. Since then, a long time has passed and if you have been keeping an eye on this project, you witnessed how much it has changed. No joke when I say it is like a whole new world when you join and start using Inleo for the first time! Not to mention that unlike all other web2 social media platforms, using the Inleo platform gives its users a chance to win crypto tokens and earn money which is the main USP of this platform.

When Inleo aka Leofinance first started the project, it was all about writing, reading and interacting with Blogs, later they came with the unique Threads update with which a wave of short-form content came into the hive and has been a hit since its launch. Short-form content is the new trend in social media as you can see from the crazy active user base of Twitter and thanks to team Inleo, they have brought both Long form Blogs and Short form Threads together in one blazing fast and easy-to-use platform called Inleo.io. So, whenever a user joins for the first time in the Inleo platform, they are attracted to all the features, fast speed and bug-free interface and become an active user in no time.


Now, even though Inleo looks super fancy and works super fast like most of the web2 regular websites that we use in our daily lives, it is actually a stronger and more secure backend thanks to the Hive Blockchain upon which this platform is being built. Hive is a decentralized blockchain network that has many advantages like free transactions and lower block processing speed which is considered very fast in the web3 world and of course a huge active and loyal user base. I personally think it is a great idea for team Inleo to leverage the technology from blockchain that ensures state-of-the-art security and transparency and of course, social media will generate a lot of transactions and charging for every transaction would kill the project soon after its birth. Not only that, they built a phenomenal website on top of a blockchain network that works with the same speed, fluidity and smoothness just like what today’s major web2 social media offer.

So yes, the team Inleo has been successful in building and running a powerful social media website, but they are not just stopping at only making the website look awesome. They are also working very hard on their two big goals currently:

  • Getting more people to know about INLEO (marketing).
  • Making it easier for us to trade stuff (exchange listings).

The marketing game of Inleo has been rolling really well lately with more and more people joining and trying out INLEO every month. Not only that, they have made it even easier for new users to get onboarded and start interacting in the Inleo platform without the headache of learning about different keys or passwords and the importance of storing and protecting them with a new mechanism called the Lite Account / Onboarding Protocol for Hive. It has already proved to be working really well with the onboarding process and it looks like they are rolling out a red carpet for new users!


Maya Protocol

Now, let me come to the main topic of this post as there is big news that I want to share with you all. Yes, it’s true if you have heard it already, they are adding LEO to a new exchange! It has been a long time coming and a lot of people in the INLEO community were talking about the Thorchain and the Maya protocol. The Maya protocol is like the cool new kid in town about whom everyone is been buzzing about. In a nutshell, the Maya Protocol is a friendly fork of ThorChain and it is a cross-chain L1 (layer 1) DEX (Decentralised Exchange). The Maya protocol does a lot of the same stuff as Thorchain but with its own twist. This protocol is very popular and will be very useful and LEO is going to be a part of Maya too very soon!


Here's what makes the Maya Protocol special:

  • It is a Cross-Chain L1 DEX, kind of like a super fast and secure trading hub.
  • It is all about trying new things, like Smart Contracts and different blockchain integrations.
  • While Thorchain is like the solid bedrock, Maya is more like an adventurous explorer who always is experimenting and trying out new things.

This means we will be able to trade all kinds of crypto coins and tokens like Bitcoin and Ethereum for LEO super easily. There will be no more browsing and clicking through a bunch of different websites just to make a trade but it will all be right there on Maya and possibly a one-click task.

They are also working on something called a trading aggregator, a new type of mechanism which will make it even easier to trade between the Maya and Thorchain and I am very excited cause It feels like connecting two awesome different projects together!

But wait, there is one more cool thing: as they are also making it possible to trade HIVE through Leo in this new platform. Just Imagine being able to buy, sell or swap Bitcoin or Ethereum for HIVE in just one click, It will be like magic for many of us and I am very positive that many users will like this new update to trade Hive or Leo with BTC and ETH etc without using the Centralised Exchanges. I personally will thank the team a thousand times if they make it happen, as I don't like to use centralized exchanges for certain reasons and believe many of you have the same thinking in mind.

I hope you liked reading my post and if you have not joined the InLeo social media platform yet, what are you doing?? Don’t miss the golden chance and onboard on Inleo before it's too late!

Join Inleo Here!

That’s it for today readers and I will see you all in my next post! Stay happy and keep hustling!

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