NEW Exchange Listing for LEO!!


Today we've got some extremely exciting new for the LEO Ecosystem. Throughout this bear market, we've been hyper focused on delivering feature after feature on the UI.

If you've watched the evolution from the day our new UI launched (May 1st, 2023) to today, you've been astonished by the progress. Our UI is unrecognizable from the day it launched.

We launched with a proof of concept for a Threads-first, Blog-second platform. Today, INLEO has integrated both Threads and Blogs in a clean, intuitive UI.

When a new user comes to INLEO, it feels like X.

In fact, the other day someone looked over my shoulder and asked if I was using X.

I turned around and said "oh no, this is INLEO".

We've got the looks and speed of Web2 but the immutable backend of Web3 thanks to the Hive Blockchain working flawlessly as a decentralized, immutable database running the backend. This is the way.

With all of this development progress, we've geared up for the other two major pillars of building a successful Web3 ecosystem:

  1. Marketing
  2. Exchange Listings (Interoperability)

As you know, marketing has been going incredibly well. Our MAUs continue to grow on a quarter-to-quarter basis and we've been running various campaigns targeting new onboards.

We also just completed re-designed and rebuilt our Lite Account / Onboarding Protocol for Hive. It's working better than ever and there are even more updates and fixes on the way this week.

New Exchange Listing for LEO

We're excited to announce a new exchange listing for LEO. This has been a long-time coming. Many of you know that a few of us in the INLEO ecosystem have excitedly talked about Thorchain.

We've been using Thorchain, talking about it and investing in RUNE for quite some time now. Many of us have made anywhere from six figure to seven figure profits investing in it at the early stage.

Side note: this is one of the incredible aspects of the INLEO ecosystem. Being active on Threads and in Blog Posts on INLEO will lead you to tons of Alpha.

Maya Protocol is a friendly fork of Thorchain. Many in our ecosystem have been talking about and writing about Maya for months now.

Maya is a really interesting concept. It is very similar to Thorchain in that it is a Cross-Chain L1 DEX (Decentralized Exchange) but there are a few key differences.

The main point to highlight before getting into it is: Maya is not Thorchain. Maya does not aim to be or beat Thorchain.

Maya can be looked at as a complimentary sister-chain to Thorchain. It offers different features, a different team and a different roadmap.

Maya aims to be more experimental in offering various features like Smart Contracts and smaller blockchain integrations while Thorchain is intended to be "like Bitcoin" in the sense that it is a hardened protocol with little changes on a regular basis. L1 swaps, L1 volume, L1 DEX to rule them all.

I have been working on getting Thorchain (RUNE) integrated in various ways with LEO for a long time now. As a massive stakeholder in RUNE since it was less than $0.40 (currently $10), I have been a huge proponent of Thorchain since before they even had a live product.

Now, Thorchain is quickly becoming the #1 DEX in the world by volume. I anticipate it will overtake Uniswap in volume within the next 12-18 months. Maya is on its way to becoming a huge competitor in the DEX space as well with even more innovative features, chain connections, etc.

Maya also offers a connection to Thorchain. This week they are launching the Arbitrum Blockchain and in the next several weeks, they're launching a trading aggregator that will allow any token trading on Maya to be instantly connected to Thorchain. I believe that Thorchain's continual rise will also bring a lot of prosperity to Maya and vice versa. The complimentary nature of both of these protocols along with the broader crypto sentiment is going to skyrocket both RUNE and CACAO (NFA).

When I learned of this along with Streaming Swaps (launching in April on Maya), I got extremely excited.

Is this the opportunity for LEO?
Is this the moment we connect with L1 blockchains?
Is this the exchange listing that changes everything?

My answer is a resounding yes to all of the above.

After some calls and discussions with the Maya team, I am excited to officially announce that LEO is being integrated on Maya.

Our trading pair (WLEO-CACAO) will be live exactly 7 days from today. This will be a liquidity pool on the Maya DEX. We are seeding this liquidity pool with $100k USD.

Anyone can provide WLEO-CACAO liquidity to this pool.


This pool is FAR DIFFERENT than any other liquidity pool on a traditional DEX. Maya offers instantaneous cross-chain L1 swaps. This means you'll be able to swap any of the following into LEO (and by proxy, HIVE/HBD):

  1. L1 Bitcoin
  2. L1 Ethereum
  3. L1 USDT & USDC
  4. ...and all of the other coins listed on Maya right now:

Trading any of these L1 coins for LEO right now is a difficult task. With Maya, it'll be one click of a button.

When the aggregator goes live (I've been told it's less than 8 weeks out), then we'll also be instantly connected to Thorchain. LEO will be tradable with any asset on Thorchain.

HIVE Aggregation Through LEO

One of the exciting pieces of this in my opinion is that HIVE trading can aggregate through LEO. We're currently building a UI for this that will allow you to instantenously swap into and out of HIVE through the LEO->Maya connection.

What does this mean?

Imagine being able to instantly swap Native BTC or Native ETH directly for HIVE.

This will use LEO as a middle rail, generating swap fees and wrapping revenue for the LEO token. The swap fees and wrapping revenue will be used to buy 50/50 LEO/CACAO and provide permanent, locked liquidity to the WLEO/CACAO pool.

This creates an incredible flywheel for our pool. As the pool deepens, more trades occur. As more trades occur, the swap fees + wrap revenue is provided as permanent liquidity, deepening the pool further.

What Do I Need to Do?

We've got a list of about 25 things that need to happen before this listing goes live. That is the burden of our team to hammer on. Needless to say, a lot of sleepless nights are in store for the next 7 days.

As a community member, gear up to provide liquidity and use Maya as a swapping UI.

It may be a good idea to brush up on What Maya Is and how to use it. If you plan to provide liquidity, you'll need WLEO and CACAO to pair.

As I said, we'll be providing $100k to kick things off.

Coinciding with this launch are some major announcements to the DeFi-side of INLEO. We teased this last week in the AMA. The future of CUB/POLYCUB is about to be revealed with this exchange listing. This will also happen within these 7 days. We're planning to publish a lengthy post tomorrow at Noon EST which will unveil the changes. The first ever stake-weighted poll will be live on INLEO.

The next 7 days will be hectic. Expect a lot to unfold in a very short period of time.

As this unfolds, we've hammered in on our onboarding protocol and hope to see a massive rise in MAUs throughout the events that are about to occur.

I'm sure there will be one million questions. Drop them in the comment section below and some members of the LEO Team will be around to answer them. We're also hosting a live AMA at Noon EST today to announce everything. If you miss the AMA, the Recording will be published within a few hours.

Load those bags, frens. 🚀

Ready to learn more about this listing? We covered it and more in today's Live INLEO AMA:

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