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LeoGlossary: Proxy

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An agent that is legally authorized, usually through a power of attorney document, to act on the behalf of another party. A proxy is often used by shareholders unable to attend an annual meeting so that the absent investor may still cast their vote on corporate governance issues.

Proxy In Computing

A proxy, in the context of computer networks, is a server or a software that acts as an intermediary between a client (e.g. a user's computer) and other servers. It receives requests from clients and forwards them to other servers, then returns the responses back to the clients.

Proxies are often used for various purposes, such as:

  • Improving security: Proxies can act as a first line of defense against malicious traffic and can help to protect the anonymity of users by hiding their IP addresses.
  • load balancing: Proxies can distribute network traffic across multiple servers, preventing any single server from becoming overwhelmed and improving the overall performance and reliability of a system.
  • Content filtering: Proxies can be used to filter or block access to certain types of content, such as websites or web pages, based on various criteria such as keywords, categories, or user profiles.
  • Accessing geo-restricted content: Proxies can be used to access content that is restricted based on the user's geographical location. For example, a user in one country can use a proxy server located in another country to access content that is only available in that country.

There are different types of proxies, such as forward proxies, reverse proxies, and open proxies, each with their own specific use cases and configurations.

Proxy War

A proxy war is a conflict in which superpowers or major powers indirectly engage in warfare through third parties or surrogates, rather than fighting each other directly. This allows them to avoid the costs and risks of direct military confrontation while still pursuing their strategic objectives.

In a proxy war, the major powers provide support, such as funding, training, weapons, and intelligence, to their respective allies or proxy forces, which then engage in combat or other forms of conflict against each other. The support can be covert or overt, and the level of involvement can vary.

Proxy wars can be motivated by a variety of factors, such as ideological differences, geopolitical interests, or economic considerations. They can be fought in various ways, such as through guerrilla warfare, terrorism, insurgency, or conventional warfare.

Proxy wars can have significant consequences for the countries and people directly involved, as well as for the wider region and the international community. They can lead to prolonged conflict, human suffering, and instability, and can be difficult to resolve due to the complex web of interests and alliances involved.

Some historical examples of proxy wars include the Cold War conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan, as well as the more recent conflicts in Syria and Yemen.


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