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LeoGlossary: Duration

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The term "duration" can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possible interpretations:

  1. Length of time: duration refers to the amount of time that something lasts or takes to happen. For example, "The concert had a duration of two hours."
  2. Time interval: Duration can also refer to the time interval between two points or events. For example, "The duration between the start and finish of the project was six months."
  3. Continuous existence: Duration can also refer to the continuous existence of something over a period of time. For example, "The company has been in operation for a duration of 20 years."
  4. Survival analysis: In statistics, duration refers to the time until a specific event occurs, such as failure or death. For example, "The duration of the machine was analyzed using survival analysis techniques."
  5. Music: Duration can refer to the length of a musical note or rest. For example, "The duration of the whole note is four beats."
  6. Film and video: Duration can refer to the length of a film or video. For example, "The duration of the movie was two hours and 15 minutes."
  7. Business: Duration can refer to the amount of time a product or service is available or supported. For example, "The duration of the sale is from Friday to Sunday."

In general, duration refers to the amount of time that something lasts or takes to happen. It can be used in various contexts such as music, film, business, and statistics.

In Finance

Duration, in the context of fixed income investing, refers to the measure of how long it takes for an investor to be repaid a bond's price by the bond's total cash flows. It also indicates the sensitivity of a bond's or fixed income portfolio's price to changes in interest rates. Duration is a crucial metric that helps investors understand the impact of interest rate changes on bond prices. It is not to be confused with a bond's term or time to maturity, as duration is nonlinear and accelerates as the time to maturity lessens. Essentially, duration quantifies the interest rate risk associated with a bond or fixed income security.


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