Why Entrepreneurs Should Be Jogging - Part 4

Good day everyone! This is the Part 4 of this interesting, informative and educative series, titled, Why Entrepreneurs Should Be Jogging. If you have not read the Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3, I advice you to read it before going on with this article, by clicking here for Part 1, here for Part 2 and here for Part 3. Jogging is very essential for everyone, especially entrepreneurs. In today's article, I will be sharing with you all, one amazing health benefits of jogging which is very beneficial to all entrepreneurs, as your health is your wealth.


Photo by Tikkho Maciel on Unsplash

Better Respiratory System

This is yet another amazing benefits of jogging for entrepreneurs. Better respiratory system is very good for our overall health. Our respiratory system helps reduce our stress levels, lower our blood pressure and also reduces our chances of having depression. Depression is one of the most common issue faced by all entrepreneurs. You might be making tons of money and still be depressed. The cause of depression is just numerous, you can't really tell what causes depression. You may be seeking for something with all you got and once you get it, you feel empty and you are depressed because maybe you need just yet another adventure or change of business or work. It's crazy. Sometimes, you may ask yourself what can change your mood, and most times you don't really know. But if you are jogging everyday, you will be able to have a better respiratory system which will help lower your chances of getting depression. But how?

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Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

Jogging is similar to aerobic exercises as it involves enhancing of our lungs capacity and also strengthening of our respiratory system muscles. You will notice that after a while of jogging consistently, you won't be running out of breath like you normally do when you started jogging, in the first place. This is because, you have trained your lungs to take in more oxygen easily and remove carbon dioxide also quite easily too. Also, because of consistent jogging, you have been growing more capillaries, which will ensure that, you get oxygen to your muscles much quicker than before. Have a better respiratory system and reduce your chances of getting depression by jogging daily.

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Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

I hope you found this article quite interesting, educative and informative, if so, do well to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Thanks for reading.

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