Why Entrepreneurs Should Be Jogging - Part 3

Good day everyone! This is the Part 3 of this interesting, informative and educative series, titled, Why Entrepreneurs Should Be Jogging. If you have not read the Part 1 and Part 2, I advice you to read it before going on with this article, by clicking here for Part 1 and here for Part 2. We do watch in movies people jogging early in the morning and late at night, and wonder why they do such. It is quite simple, jogging daily has so many physical and mental benefits to us. In today's article, I will be sharing with you all, one amazing health benefits of jogging which is very beneficial to all entrepreneurs, as your health is your wealth.

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Photo by Fitsum Admasu on Unsplash

Prevents Infections & Diseases

This is yet another amazing benefits of jogging for entrepreneurs. As we know, health is wealth. For me, something that takes me off my work or in other words, something that makes me less efficient and productive at work, is infections such as couch, flu and malaria and I know so many others fall under this same category. It will be amazing if I could be fit all through and not worry about getting infections and diseases. This state of well-being can be achieved by jogging daily. This is so unbelievable but yet so true. Whenever we jog, our body produces lymphocytes which are white blood cells that helps boost our immune system, and macrophages which are specialized cells that act as our first line of defense against invading pathogens like bacteria. These chemicals or cells which our body produces whenever we are jogging helps to prevent us from getting infections and diseases. When you are jogging daily, say bye bye to couch, flu, malaria and other infections & diseases. A successful entrepreneur with wealth is a healthy human being. Become healthy and resistant to infections and diseases by ensuring you jog everyday.


Photo by Giuseppe Argenziano on Unsplash

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