What Really Motivates You To Hustle?

A few years ago, I was working a low-wage job, but my employer was consistent with payment, which was unusual in that industry. So, most people prefer to receive poor payment as long as it is consistent. Why is this? Bills are subscription-based; money is useless unless it can be used to pay bills.

The owner of this job wanted many of his employees to be loyal to the job rather than the pay; he wanted people to give more than they received, but we all know that the human body is limited, and no matter what drives your passion, the spirit is a passenger being driven by the (vehicle) body.

Passion & Money

In all honesty, every passion in the world is motivated by money.

There is a saying that doctors are the most selfless professionals because they are sworn to save lives, but 99% of the hospitals I have visited do not care about life if you can not pay when they want. There is no selfless profession anywhere.

In the movies, we often see US healthcare workers as heroes, willing to go above and beyond to save lives, but this is just Hollywood trying to sell the healthcare system; in reality, the cost of just getting an ambulance is unbelievable.

I understand the concept of work and fulfillment. I have heard a lot about having a job and being fulfilled, but unless you are financially secure, you probably will not care about being fulfilled.

The subscriptional and transactional nature of life is what makes people who they are. I understand that some organizations demand loyalty from their employees, but loyalty is typically purchased.

No one wants to give their all to jobs where they are underpaid and treated unfairly, because something has to drive loyalty, and most of the time, it is the ability to meet people's wages.

This is why asking people why they applied for a specific job is one of the most pointless questions. People simply apply for jobs because they want to eat, pay their rent, buy medicine, and live comfortably. Lying about loyalty and other issues makes people appear like merchants. In actuality, we're all merchants anyway.

Most days, after my morning prayer, I want to stay in bed, catch my breath, and reflect on my life. My health issues have disrupted my social life, and dealing with the chronic pain of losing my only sibling makes it even worse. It is as if I am moving without making any impact.

Sometimes I want to go somewhere far away to heal because it is difficult to do so with all the noise around, but bills have to be paid. Medical bills have eaten a chunk of everything I had, and there are many other bills I can't publicly talk about.

People would go hungry if they needed to hustle for fulfillment.


Many people are depressed and smiling while hustling because bills do not care how a person feels. The only way to be selective about how you make money is to be financially independent. In my life, I have never met anyone who is financially independent. Sure, I have met people who are financially secure, but it only takes one major health issue to send them bankrupt.

Being financially free means being able to bear the cost of any financial uncertainty without incurring consequences. Many people believe they are wealthy, when in reality they are only pre-broke.

Pre-Broke Or Rich?

In my opinion, pre-broke means being one large expense away from losing everything you own.

People sometimes see themselves through one-sided mirrors, believing they will never see the other side of financial uncertainty, but it only takes one small mistake for them to become unlucky and end up in big trouble.

Most of the time, I don't see the need to hustle, it's all futility anyway, but the need to have conviction or fulfillment when it comes to hustling is only a facade. It is not real unless you are financially independent. We are all committed to one or both of our financial responsibilities.

Being financially responsible and accepting is a selfless act; it is easier to avoid financial responsibilities, but having parents, relatives, and friends who choose to be financially responsible is a blessing. We live in a world where a large percentage of the population refuses to be responsible; being associated with such people is unlucky.

At the end of the day, no one wants to be fulfilled by hustling; they simply do so, regardless of their mental state, to pay their bills.

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