The Similarities of Risk, Luck, Guarantees, and Uncertainty

When I was in college studying for a diploma, I had a colleague who liked this girl. Of course, there was nothing not to admire about the girl; she was stunning and had a radiant smile. He was about 24, and the girl was about 19. I watched as he made efforts to get this girl, but to what end? He was most likely looking for a pretty girl to do things with.

At 24, I was struggling to stay healthy and find a steady job, so while I could not compare myself to him, I felt he was not quite ready; he did not have a clear direction for his life, no money, no job, no goal, just a bright future and a sharp mind. This girl, on the other hand, was much younger, a hustler, unemployed, dependent on her parents, and sold street food to support her education.

You would have thought "Oh, what a perfect match"

This is how things would have been in a functional world

People are supposed to gravitate toward what they are familiar with. For example, I cannot be a regular customer in a place where street food costs $2 while dreaming of a woman who spends $1000 at a restaurant. There is a specific type of disparity that makes it difficult. If I am on Hive, there is a chance I will marry someone from this space; why?

I am not saying it is impossible; rather, people rarely leave their cycle unless they inadvertently migrate. People, for example, grow and move on from where they were previously. A person whose monthly income rises from $30 to $500 will most likely have different friends, crave different foods, and be interested in different women or men, but this new interest will not exceed their earning or financial capacity.

Surprisingly, people can do this without even realizing it, and they do not have to be mathematical geniuses to do so. People prefer to connect dots that are close to them rather than those that are farther away.

I am not saying it will not happen in my immediate environment, but I am more or less at ease with the possibility of meeting someone with whom many things are interconnected. It is why nerds are more likely to fall for strangers on the internet; these are their types of people.

Now, let us not get distracted from the main reason for this post.

Human psychology leads us to believe that many unlikely events are far more likely to occur than those that are actually likely. Unfortunately, more likely events occur than those that are actually unlikely. This is why, no matter how similar a storyline is to reality, movie ideas will always differ.

So this guy was smart; he had the potential to be a billionaire, start a business, earn good money, and so on. He had good genes, was by far the smartest guy in the class, and everything about him screamed "a radiant future," but he was still developing all of that potential.

Despite the fact that I believe he was not ready, he was the type of man a lady could build a relationship with.

Unfortunately, he did not get the girl; he experienced severe heartbreak and moved on. Fast forward to today, and I saw the lady in my WhatsApp status. She is about 22-23 years old, has twin children, and is sitting in a nice car with a fairly comfortable man in his early 30s, possibly 31 or so, and she does not appear to be regretting anything.

So, what happened?

Apparently, she met a man whose present was the future, and she is now living the life she could have had with the other guy. The girl appeared to have made the right decision for herself and her newborn twins. Life may be cruel, but the only lesson to be learned is to set aside sentiment and focus on what is important.

Now, this other guy could become a billionaire in the future or fail miserably; I am sure the girl did not want to play chess with her future and instead chose a predetermined future.

Humans (we) are like this.

We have a tendency to hold on to what is certain, so I applaud those who stick with what is not certain and choose to face the uncertainties that accompany it. There are not many loyal people in life, and I do not think it is fair to judge them as self-centered.

There is no proof that hard work will ever be rewarded, and patients' dogs may not eat the fastest bones. There is also no guarantee that being a good person will eventually bring you goodwill.

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