Splinterlands: The Grind & The Value Of The Loot


The splinterlands' rental market is going haywire at the moment, and this is probably that period when people will be studying cards, the abilities of these cards, the in-game values, and of course calculating to see if these rentals are worth the money. At the moment, one would think that these cards would be really expensive to rent but they're not.

I checked out a Yodin Zaku as @joetunex suggested and renting it at the moment is viable at about 120 DEC a day. Now I don't know if one might get back their money back in the loots after the daily focus, but what I do know is that with a constant grind, playing at least 50 games within 24 hours, with a very good win ratio, it's possible to hit different loots and win big.

Slotting In

The truth is, splinterlands is becoming more competitive, and the new changes and rules are tailored to be rewarding especially when you put in extra effort, but these efforts will also entail putting in monetary efforts.

I do not think the splinterlands' team aim is to take away the competition from people who do not own a lot of money, the main aim was to make the game more competitive by further incentivizing players who play more games. rewarding. What I do not understand is if the rewards will still be tailored to the leagues, for example, silver III is x12 loots, or the max will be up to 150 loots.

More Money, More Rent?

Because it's currently not easy to grind anymore, most people will put a lot of money into the rental market just to ease their grinding, hence it's making the gameplay competitive, hardcore and compact. I've never seen splinterlands' gameplay as hardcore as it is at the moment.

Before now, it usually takes me 48 hours to move from bronze 2 to silver III, but it took me 4 days to solidify myself in silver III this time around.

This was because I came up against expensive decks, I faced a Yodin Zaku once, (though I won) sometimes it makes me imagine how far I'll go with the right investment into the game. Not to deviate, I struggled with the daily focus for like 4 days in a row, finding it difficult to even get one look after playing over 15 battles.

The "Budget" Dilemma

The truth is, if you're low on a budget it'll be difficult for you to compete, while the ability to maximize one's effort by putting more skin is really good, it's very difficult to go so far with so little. However, I believe players should take or accept the challenge rather than chicken out.

I've diligently accepted the challenge despite having a tiny deck worth not more than $400, this is why I've been trying too hard to adjust to the new system. My death deck is my most versatile and expensive deck but then, water is where I excel the most.

My win ratio for water before the new system is like 9/10, but since players have been spending big on the rental market, it's reduced to like 6/10. So why don't I just rent too?

The truth is, I do not have enough resources at the moment and while I might be getting back whatever I spend renting, the real thing is that I've maxed out my investment for splinterlands at the moment, but futuristically this might change.


Here To x5

This is by far my biggest loot. A x5 loot for focusing on water and it's decent by my standards and I won't complain. I've used other elements and their win ratio has been too low, hurting my position in silver III in the process.

I do not know if there's going to be some financial consequence on the quality or outcome of my loots when the season ends if one losses out to their leagues further down, but I think this is the case, in whatever way, I think slowly accumulating these assets is bound to count overtime.

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Crypto & The Outrageous Learning Curve: My Splinterlands Journey As A Case Study
Understanding & Adjusting To The Real Purpose Of Motivation
Thematic Expression: African Child (Shot & Edited On My iPhone 12)
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Budgeting: Paying Yourself First With Crypto
Establishing Compatibility: A Case For Self-Improvement


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