Splinterlands: Katrelba Gobson is a great card against Quora Towershead

Splinterlands is a complex game and it allows for various different cards and strategies. Each fight is different as there are various different rulesets applied and this can give specific cards an advantage depending on how you use them. In this post, I talk about a card named Katrelba Gobson. In a way, these cards are very powerful and it is one reason why people should join a guild and participate in brawls.

Featured Monsters

Katrelba Gobson

Katrelba Gobson.png
Spirit Hoarder is an earth gladiator card that costs 6 mana. It starts with bloodlust, sneak and double strike. It learns snare at level 5 and cripple at level 9. Just based on its ability, it is a great damage dealer that targets the backline of your opponent. If it can get off kills or it can get buffed by martyr then it can easily deal massive damage against the opponent if doesn't get dispeled.

As a gladiator, you can get these off of gladius cases earned from using merits in the guild store. My current Katrelba Gobson is at level 3 and I am 3 BCX off from getting it to level 4 where it will earn an extra attack. When that happens, it will be an even stronger card for me to use.

Quora Towershead

Quora Towershead.png
Quora Towershead is also another earth gladiator card but it costs 10 mana. It starts with bloodlust and heal. It learns immunity at level 3 and dispel at level 5. This is a very powerful tank that can keep itself alive and can do both magic/melee damage. As an attacker and tank, this is a great card so long as you don't get hit by affliction.

I have Quora at level 2 and I am 1 BCX off of level 3. When it does reach level 3, I fully plan on using it on those poison matches because it won't take damage. Just looking at both cards, they both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

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The ruleset this time is ferocity and close range. This means taunt monsters take more damage and ranged monsters can attack from the first spot. There is also 32 mana available and I am the choice of earth or dragon splinter.

The summoner I choose to use this time is Lobb Lowland. In a match like this, I want the use of a gladiator card and it also reduces my enemies speed by 1.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Lobb Lowland6Summoner-1 speed and use of a gladiator card
Unicorn Mustang81stVoid tank
Failed Summoner22ndReflect
Queen Mycelia43rdAmplify and +2 armor
Venari Marksrat34thMartyr
Katrelba Gobson65thBloodlust, Double strike and sneak
Fungus Flinger36thMartyr
Total Mana:32

My plan is to have Unicorn Mustang and Failed Summoner act as my tanks. The Queen Mycelia is there to give armor over to Katrelba and also to amplify some magic damage if it hits my failed summoner. Other than that, I have two Martyr monsters on the side of Katrelba to buff up it's stats.

Round 1

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At the first glance of my opponent's lineup, I think I have the stronger lineup because most of my opponent's damage is magic so my Unicorn Mustang and Failed summoner was a great choice of cards. Also, since Quora is not in the last spot, I can easily build up some blood lust for Katrelba.

Round 2

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Katrelba built up a bloodlust and it will be a while before my opponent can take out my Unicorn Mustang.

Round 3

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I took out the frontmost monster on my opponent's side and I am getting close to building up more bloodlust but my Unicorn Mustang will go down this round or next round.

Round 4

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Katrelba took out another monster and my opponent isn't left with many cards left. I will fast forward the match because there isn't any way for my opponent to really win at this point due to Katrelba in my backline. It is able to overpower the heal that Quora has.

As I expected I won but I wasn't expecting it to happen this round. My speed difference gave me the advantage and I was able to finish off my opponent before his Quora got to move.


The battle this time around went exactly as I expected. The lineup I went for had allowed Katrelba Gobson to build up enough bloodlust. It's too bad my Marytr monsters didn't get to do much but at least they contributed to the damage that I did during the fight. By stacking bloodlust, I was able to overpower my opponent's Quora and kill off my opponent without losing many cards.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players use the same card.

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