You can invest your way out of the fear of poverty

Once I completed, Oluture, a human trafficking movie, I realized that in the realm of power and even when money is involved, fear is the one thing that is used to control humans. The individual who can wield the power that fear brings over the lives of the rest of his fellow human win a large portion of the battle.

You can invest your way out of the fear of poverty.png
I guess this is why we are warned to be less afraid and more bold. For the moment we allow fear the chance to mess with our minds, we are sorry because we will be pushed around and we will never be able to understand the extent to which we can accomplish certain things if we put our minds to it.

You see, when it comes to money, the superior uses fear to make his staff stay. The fear of losing their jobs, the fear of not being able to provide for their families, the fear of being poor, broke, and every other negative connotation that people have around money.

When we allow fear to rule over us, we become blind and we can't seem to figure out other ways to make ends meet. So we hold onto a job that we hate or a career we are already so tired of. We can't seem to move forward or return to the past, to change a few things.

But once you understand the freedom that money brings, you'll understand why you are often advised to save and invest. Those things you are afraid of become minute in the grand scheme of things when you have a pile of money sitting somewhere or working its ass off for you. You'll be able to reach out and let go of so many things. It will surprise the people around you that you could just wake up and throw some things away. They may not be able to understand that the freedom that we all seek as humans comes in the form of wealth building.

You will be able to change course. Re-route. Look for opportunities elsewhere when you understand that the right tool to making money is in your mind. And your mindset will need a lot of re-work to forget the terrible things you learned about money and re-learn fresh and positive things about a system that has been used to enslave us for so long.

I watched those girls save $1200 and send it to a human trafficker who promised to relocate them to Europe where they will be able to find better sex clients to improve their standard of living. The grass is always looking green on the other side blinds them from seeing that a $1200 invested in even a single asset class would bring better returns than trying to travel to a strange land.

The fear of being poor forever encouraged them or should I say blinded them to the alternative in their lives. Some of them would have used the money to educate themselves. And be employable. The rest of them would have started petty trading with that money. A lot could have been done than running off to continue being a sex worker.

Just like my money laundering writing, I have a different angle on human trafficking that's in the favor of the traffickers but today is not for them. I am mostly concerned about the girls who risk their lives every day but never seem to be financially educated enough to find a way out.

If only, someone out there taught them about money, they would stop buying more clothes or shoes, and spend a few percentage in investment portfolios that will make sure they don't stay on the street flagging down cars forever. They ought to be trained to see the way out of that life that they despise so much yet can't get out.

I know there are lots of intelligent ones who invested in businesses and even became bosses, training upcoming girls and handling prostitution at a higher level. They supervised the ladies and made them available for those who would pay huge money in return for the fun.

At the end of the movie, the owners told me that;

Human Trafficking is a modern-day slavery in action. The industry is worth $150 Billion globally. $98 Billion alone is generated from Sexual Exploitation. The route between North, East & West Africa generates $150 million in annual profits. Òlòtūré (2019)

Of course, it's a profitable business for those who can will the power of fear over the girls. But if I was one of the girls, I would learn how money works and invest my way out of the industry.

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