Use patience to achieve prosperity without rushing into regrettable decisions

I saw this movie, Swallow on Netflix that took me back to my teenage age when I first read the book, Her Plague. I may not remember everything the book said, the full name, or the author, but there's one scene that never leaves my memory.
Use patience to achieve prosperity without rushing into regrettable decisions.png
It's the part where the lady in question was suddenly in money and she went to the superstore to buy lots of provisions. The book said she even bought the things she did not need just so she could feel good about being able to afford them at that point.

For someone who came from lack and want, I could only feel her emotions as the author described the scenes. As an adult, choosing to feign for myself, I think, I can beat my chest that I know exactly what she passed through and why she had to buy things she did not really need when she finally had money.

This isn't the only thing this movie reminded me of. Watching the girl try to swallow drugs so she would be able to pass through inspection at the airport and move to London and sell, I remember the first time I tried to swallow my migraine pills.

Trust me, I did not pay attention to the prescription. I don't even remember if I was told how to take it. It was only after I made complaints over the counter the next few weeks that the nurse explained I did not need to swallow them, all I needed to do was dissolve them in water and then drink water. Subsequent time, I saw someone do it in a movie and it stuck.

The day I tried swallowing the entire thing, I almost died. I was alone. This was the day I understood why the scripture told us it's not good for a man to be alone. Being alone at that point meant I could have died because there was no one around, probably to call for help if something had happened to me.

Of course, I saw Theresa Mendoza, learn to swallow drugs in the movie, Queen of the South, but it probably did not make any meaning or raise any eyebrow because she was a Mexican and I was probably feeling sorry for her and how she ended up there. But watching my own skin do it in Lagos to survive on screen, I took it personally, I guess, and the emotions I felt this time was different. It was different to the point that I remembered the book, I read as a little girl, Her Plague.

Whether it's the girl in the book or the one I saw in this movie, both of them end up paying dearly for trying to be in a hurry to make money. Everything was cut short as fast as it came.

No matter how many movies I watch, the idea around making money, and building wealth still points to making friends with time.

Even the last laws of power say we shouldn't bet on stability and lasting order because everything will change. In short, as a child the quote that never stops slipping out of the lips of the adult has always been, "No condition is permanent".

I might have exalted it by always comparing this lesson to the grass on our field. Of course, there's always a tendency that the grass will grow again, the only thing we should try to do is to learn to wait.

But in a world will materialism and flashes of consumerism are the order of the day, anyone playing the waiting game will always come off as a fool. You may even get tired and stop waiting, running off to do things you should not do and cutting your life short.

I haven't seen the patient dog that doesn't ultimately eat the fattest bone. I know these days we have been seeing memes turning this patient dog into a laughing stock.

I don't know where this post is going. I am only trying to remind myself that if there's one thing that time is good at, it's always being able to make things better. The only thing we have to do is to wait.

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