Should we blame ChatGPT??

Hello everyone, It's me @intishar once again with another new article. And this time I am going to discuss about ChatGPT. I hope you will enjoy reading it. So let's start.

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Technology is created or comes to us to make our life easier and more comfortable and try to give us some advantages of that technology. But we also know that everything comes to us in pairs. That means if there exist some advantages then there will be some disadvantages at the same time. And in recent times, one of the most popular developed technology is AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) and ChatGPT is a part of it. It's a great development of technology but in this hive platform, several people use ChatGPT for writing articles and trying to earn rewards without making any effort. And I don't support it. In fact, most users of this platform don't support it.

So do you think that ChatGPT is the reason behind it? Do you wanna blame technology for it?

In this case, I wanna suggest you read the article "The future; should we fear humans or technology?" written by @george-dee published approximately 3 weeks ago. He tried to make us understand that technology doesn't do any evil and it doesn't have any own ability to do it. Technology does those things for us which are designed by us or we humans wanna do using the technology. And for that reason, he said in the upcoming future technology is not a real threat to us. We, humans, are the real threat to us.

I agree with him and in the case of writing articles using ChatGPT, I don't blame ChatGPT or technology. I blame those people who are misusing ChatGPT for earning rewards without doing anything, not the ChatGPT.

As I said that we humans are responsible for the positive or negative effects of ChatGPT. If we choose the use it positively, It will bring positive results.
I am explaining it now.

screenshot captured by me from ChatGPT for testing purpose

At first, I wanna explain how ChatGPT can help us while writing an article. I published an article approximately 10 months ago about Requirment to write an article where I said that sometimes we face difficulties to find a topic to write and ChatGPT can help us to find a topic to write. In the case of selecting a topic, ChatGPT is very helpful. I gave a command to ChatGPT to give me some topics to write and it provided me with 10 topics and I can choose one to write.

After selecting a topic we need information and knowledge to write an article. I heard that knowledge is power and information helps us to increase knowledge. Without knowledge, we can't write any articles. We can gain knowledge related to article topics from everywhere. Even our daily life experience is a source of knowledge. Whenever we wanna know something we google it first then we find the information after visiting several links. But ChatGPT can help us by providing us with that information within a short time and in a sequence. So it can help us to gain knowledge within a short time. Then we can write articles combining our thoughts, experience, and knowledge.

I think we can use ChatGPT in positive ways. We just need to set a positive mindset and ensure its positive uses.
Special thanks to @Hivewatchers who are trying to make this platform better to best. They are trying to detect those users who write articles just by writing a few words.

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or i made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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