The future; should we fear humans or technology?

The impact of technology on the world is just too much to speak of and we will all admit that it has enhanced our ways of living in numerous ways.

Technology didn't just come into the picture of the human race today and there were several proofs of technology in the ancient world.

Many of the improved technology we admire a lot today had a background from our forefathers, I know the difference is huge but they gave us an insight into many things.

The urge to make complex activities easy has inspired the human race to keep improving on technology and we are doing better at that. I have seen a lot of people express their fears about technology taking over the world in the future and I just want to pour out a piece of my mind.


Image was designed by me

I have never for once feared what technology could do to the human race but I fear the havoc humans can bring to the world with the use of technology. Aside from the fact that someone somewhere in the world might decide to destroy the world with technology, our complete dependence on technology might end up ruining the human race.

Smartphone addiction is something a lot of people talk about daily and it amazes me when technology is blamed for us not being disciplined enough with our smart phones.

We are the ones addicted to technology and if anything must be corrected, it should be us cautioning ourselves about how to use our smart phones. The invention of these devices has made a lot of people turn their back on reality, and they blame technology for all that.

Do you know how much it cost to build a nuclear warhead? It cost millions of dollars and yet countries invest heavily in them.
Would you say they were forced by technology to create those weapons?

My answer is No, that money can be spent on improving health, supporting education, and many other things but we choose to invest our resources in creating things that can take out a large number of the world population at a strike.

Cryptocurrency is one of the things technology has brought to us and we all have seen to some extent how it can change the world if given a chance.

With my little time in the crypto verse, I have read lots of scam stories, experienced rug pull, and many terrible activities. Do we blame technology for that as well? The truth is that humans are the ones responsible for all these tragic events and news we hear in the crypto verse so why should we worry about technology and not the humans behind the scene?


The human race won't stop digging, research never stops and we always want to get better. With every discovery, we want more and we just keep going on and on. I don't know where some of our assumption about technology turning it back on us is coming from but I think seeing too much of sci-fi movies has made us imagine a lot of silly things.

There was a time all the world had was manual technology but today everything has gone almost digital.

The tools the ancient people used didn't transform into what we have today by themselves, we made that happen and if we will suffer any setback because of technology, there will be the hands of humans in it.

Everything built through technology needs humans to function properly, drones, electric cars, smart phones, and many others won't function without a human giving a little as just a command. This alone should make us understand that technology depends on us to function and if the world suffers an attack through technology, humans are responsible for it.

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