Reading Suggestions ~ CENT Stabilization Fund ~ Day 501

This is the publication of reading recommendations to finance the hedge fund to stabilize the price of the CENT token at $0.01

We are going to select and vote on 2 daily posts that we find truly interesting for the CENT community.
With this we will support authors so that they continue creating quality content and adding value to the ecosystem.

These are today's picks. Visit them and let them know of their great work.

Liotes Hive Fest Presentation by @liotes

Since the blockchain is the best place to actually store things, I will here share the whole presentation with you. We would be very thankful for any kind of feed-back. To be honest, it wasn't easy to make this presentation mainly because we did it together and we had no way to actually practice it before we did it.

Campaign Trail intensifies by @melbourneswest

Local government elections are in full swing in the City of Melton and one of the key candidates running for re-election is my partner, Ashleigh Vandenberg who is seeking a second term on the council.

If you want to support the project and benefit from the stabilizer you can delegate your CENT and BEE tokens to @hiro.guita

We know that it will not be easy and that we will not achieve total coverage, but we will contribute our grain of sand. There will no longer be a reason to undersell the token. You can save it and sell it at a fair price here.

New manual curation account for BEE and Cent

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