Human ingenuity: ability to adapt to new norms and overcome challenges.


Today we went out for a dinner by the waterfront and a walk around one of the neighboring cities. I saw the condos built above the surface of the water and was impressed by the architecture. It is not something new. We push the boundaries of what we can do, and what we can build all the time. The question came to my mind was - would I want to live in such a building? Most likely not. I am sure design and architecture of the building is solid. I am sure those who built did consider potential safety concerns. I still wouldn't be brave enough to live in such a place, knowing there is water underneath.

I even get nervous driving over the bridges. We even have floating bridges that are right above the water. Those make me even more nervous. However, that doesn't mean there aren't people who would choose to establish permanent home in such buildings. You can see clearly from the image above the building is fully occupied. Would you consider living in houses built above the water? I am curious to know. If I am really forced to live on the water, I probably would choose to live on a boat.

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. ~ Jonh A Shedd



The condos above are near the marina, where there are many boats docked. Chances are most of the residents of the condos are boat owners. I feel like boats are meant to be on water, and building are not. So, I would be more comfortable in living on a boat. If that were to happen, I would rather be sailing rather than being docked at the marina.

There are many cafes, restaurants, and stores in the area. But streets looked empty for the most part.


2020 has been crazy with Covid crisis. Many businesses: especially restaurants, hotels, and hospitality industry have been suffered most. Regardless of these challenges many still continue to operate, keep doors open, and come up with creative ways to face the new reality. It looks like in-door dining is still not available in some places, this area is among them.


While their doors are still open and they can offer take out orders. It is still strange to see chairs stacked upside down on top of the tables inside the restaurants with an OPEN sign on and bright. Some offer only take outs, some also offer outdoor dining.


In this nice autumn weather outdoor dining is not bad at all. As you can see in the image above some restaurants are filling their outdoor dining space, while the one next door is completely empty.

Some businesses like barbershops and hair salons were open and came up with social distancing solutions like having waiting areas to be outside. One of them even had a window open to the street to call for the next customers.




Since the area is by the public park and a waterfront, we decide to order our dinner for take out and enjoy it by the waterfront. There seemed to be more people by the waterfront, maybe that's why streets were empty. And some even had the same idea as us, to enjoy the dinner out by water.


Ducks and seagulls seemed to not mind fellow humans occupying their territory and spending a quality evening.



Things have changed, things are different. We can still enjoy life and continue innovating and improving how we do things. Hopefully Covid crisis will end this year, but its economic effect I am afraid will carry on to the next year. I am optimistic though. If we can build houses on top of the water, we can overcome anything and come up with creative solutions that will lessen the economic burden to businesses and financial difficulties people may face.

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