Hive Computer Literacy - attempting to help 2000 students kick-start their IT journey!


Proposed Name of Project: Hive Computer Literacy
Purpose: Hive Social impact through IT literacy
Location: Aba, Nigeria
Target Beneficiaries for 2023: 2000 Students
Initiator: @fokusnow
Facilitators: @marajah, @ijelady.


On behalf of our small team, I am delighted to announce Hive Computer Literacy Project. This IT project represents our small contribution to the social impact that Hive hopes to make in local communities with unique challenges. This project will definitely create some awareness for Hive as the school authorities would be interested to learn about the platform that brought them this opportunity - Hive.

Here is a breakdown to make for a comprehensive reading:

  • About the Project
  • Our Target
  • Our Facilities
  • Expected Impact
  • Outreach Strategy
  • Project Manual
  • How we kicked off
  • Conclusion

Now lets get into a little detail...

About the Project

Hive Computer Literacy is an IT project designed to give beneficiaries the opportunity to acquire practical computer knowledge and skills. The project initiator have identified lack of practical Computer education as a big issue in the Nigeria School system. Hence, the project.

Computer is taught as a subject in Nigeria public and and private schools. However, the practical aspect is entirely forgotten because majority of public and private schools starting from the basic level lack standard IT facilities and personnel. Even at tertiary institutions, the problem persists. So the Computer Literacy project would be a huge and valuable way to improve IT literacy education among school-age students in Nigeria.

While we start at the basic level and upwards, we hope that this project will later grow to cover other groups such as fresh graduates from various tertiary institutions.

Our Target

We have set a goal of reaching out to around 2000 students in Primary and Secondary schools in our City Aba, Nigeria. We will initially focus on those within the city as proximity to the training facility will be a huge factor that determines who will benefit from this project.

I and my team understand that it will require extensive marketing and creation of awareness in order to hit such a big figure - but we are already doing our best. By the end of 2023, we will be able to see how much progress we have made in this regard.

Our Facilities

image.pngfirst used here

I already had a plan of setting up an ultra-modern IT center. That dream was realized late in 2022. Sited in the middle of Aba city (208 Azikiwe Road Aba) is our modern-looking IT center in the first floor of an office building. The facility was completed around late November, 2022.

This facility is what we will use as Hive Computer Literacy center. It has enough space for 50 computers. But right now, we have 20 computer sets. Below are the complete equipment in our facility:

  • 20 Desktop Computer sets
  • 6.5KVA brand new Generator
  • Standard computer desks/seats
  • Projector machine and screen
  • Standing fan

Expected Impact

We are giving students the first ever life opportunity to see a computer, touch it and most important - learn how to operate it. The social impact that this project promises to offer would be huge. Hive will forever live in the hearts of these young ones as the project that gave them the opportunity to kick-start their IT journey.

The school authorities and Teachers from the schools we have visited are already asking questions about Hive. They appreciate this wonderful project and are eager to understand what Hive is and how it works. So this project will also be a powerful Hive marketing tool. Likely, we will see sign ups from teachers that will be mentored to learn Hive and participate.

Interestingly, Leo threads would be a great place to start for those that want to start creating short content which is popular. And the those that would like to try long-form content would have the opportunity to learn how that works too.

Basically, Hive Computer Literacy project will make a big social impact as well as marketing for Hive.

Outreach Strategy

We started by visiting schools close to the center. They should be our first beneficiaries. Interestingly, the two schools we went to are so excited about the project and one of them have already started with us. You will learn more about it later in this article.

With our project introduction document, we let the school authorities learn whom we are, what the project is all about and why it is valuable. So far, this method of creating awareness for the project has worked.

Course outline

We created a course outline which contains the first things participants will learn through the project. The outline contains the following items:

  • What is computer Literacy?
  • Introduction to Computer Hardware
  • Essential keyboarding skills
  • Windows Basics
  • Understanding Files and folders
  • Introduction to Microsoft Office
  • Internet Basics


As the project progresses, we hope to include advanced courses. But the above is where we want to start.

How we kicked off

Hive Computer Literacy Project was officially kicked off on Friday 3rd February, 2023. The first school that came for this project is Child of Destiny International Academy. This school is located at 209 Cameroun Rd, Aba.

The Junior Secondary 2 (J.S.S2) came with the Computer teacher and it was a great way to Kick-off the project. The class started after a brief orientation for the students. We were able to cover the first 2 items in the course outline - Introduction to Computer Literacy and Computer Hardware.

The hardware part was the first practical aspect where students were shown basic computer hardware. Then, they learnt how to set up a desktop computer and do booting. The students where so happy as they were allowed to try making all the connections and setting up the computer.

This first class ended after the students learnt how to handle the mouse and practice it. Let me share images from the first class with you.

Below are some of the many images we took during the class.











This is just an idea project which I hope will go a long way to create some value for the beneficiaries with Hive as the platform behind it. Like many of the projects I undertake, I am optimistic Hive Computer literacy project will go as planned.

This post is to create awareness for the effort and let our Hive friends get to know what we are trying to do. Perhaps, we can grow bigger from here and eventually give this project more momentum to achieve and exceed its started goals.

Thank you friends for reading this project announcement post. We welcome you suggestions so as to improve. Thanks.

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