Weekend Engagement week 138: My solution to Computer illiteracy

I am excited to make an entry for the writing prompt for this week 138. Its actually my first ever entry here. I have decided to provide a solution to one big, menacing problem and that is:

  • Illiteracy

I will narrow it down to Computer illiteracy and you will find in my writeup below why I have decided to work on this global problem.

This might end up a little longer article. So here are the parts, you can quickly jump to what interests you:

  • The problem - Computer Illiteracy
  • Why the problem exists
  • Why offer a solution
  • What I have done
  • What I am doing
  • Conclusion

Alright. Lets get it done.

The problem - Computer literacy

Computer illiteracy is simply lack of knowledge of computers and inability to operate a computer. Depending on where you live, this might not be a problem. But in Africa (specifically my country Nigeria), it is a big problem.

There are too many people that lack computer knowledge and any practical computer skills. This population is large and ranges from young school-age students and under-graduates, to company employees and civil servants. Sadly, there are too many graduates from tertiary institutions that lack the most basic computer skills needed in modern society today.

Finding a solution to computer illiteracy quickly would have far-reaching gains such as enhancing personal productivity and improving the economy as a whole.

By now, you might wonder why computer illiteracy is a prevailing problem in this part of the world. Lets get to that.

  • Why the problem exists

There are many reasons why computer illiteracy is a problem here. Look at this 3:

  • Failed education System: This is the beginning of the problem. The system of education here ensures that computer is learned as a theoretical subject in schools. This cuts across all levels of education - basic, high, and tertiary. I write from experience as I have passed through all levels. I hold a national Higher Diploma in Computer Science (2009 - 2014).

During my experience in the higher level, more than 70% of those that got admission in my department (Computer Science) have no computer - desktop or laptop. And the school computer lab with fewer than 50 computers for more than 2,500 students is mostly inaccessible. For these under-graduates, many will complete the 4-year course without a computer. You can now appreciate that they are graduating mostly with the paper certificate and the theories they were fed.

When I networked with friends in other tertiary institutions across the country, its mostly the same story.

  • Poor economy: This is another challenge that makes computer illiteracy popular. An economy where most people leave in under a dollar a day, makes survival a real fight. And when you cannot afford the most basic things of life, a laptop or desktop computer becomes unaffordable luxury.

  • Lack of Information Technology (IT) facilities: There are very few IT facilities and skill acquisition centers in the city and states. These facilities are usually expensive to set up. So the few that are available are usually expensive for the average man on the street.

Only those that are determined to get computer knowledge and and are ready to foot the bills go for it. Otherwise, the large populace cannot easily afford the training fees - or access the IT centers in the first place.

  • Why offer a solution
  • Because I believe that I have a personal responsibility given my career in this field, to assist others develop capacity in IT and at least attain the basic level of computer literacy.

  • Because the system (education and otherwise) is not ready to change any time soon in this field. Our education system has remained as it was over many decades - zero practical computer education at the Basic and High levels. Very little effort at the tertiary level. So those in the IT field remain the only credible hope for change.

  • Because I believe in giving back to society - although I had received very little from it.

  • Because touching lives by impacting useful knowledge and skills is one way to make the world a better place for everyone.

  • What I have done:
  • Set up an IT center
    I had a dream over the years which became a reality sometime late 2022. I have always dreamt of setting up an IT center where I will offer Computer Literacy classes. Unlike other centers in my city with few computers and tight spaces, this center occupies an entire flat which is spacious and I invested in computer hardware. Let me share a few images with you.

  • Did free Computer classes for Seniors
    Setting up the center took the last few months of 2022. So I was only able to do a first 3-day free computer literacy class. Of course people were already engrossed in preparations for Christmas, so we had 6 persons registered, but 4 actually turned up to do the class. The awareness I created was not much. So I was able to train these 4 persons in 2022 and they were happy. Let me share a few images:

Image initially used here

Image initially used here

  • What I am doing now

My original plans was to start from the grassroots. Take this opportunity to students at the beginner levels first. So, I have not changed that plan.

The new school term resumed 2 weeks ago and I already started reaching out to various schools and offering the opportunity for their students to come to the center and kick-start their IT journey. In fact, I want to make this a Hive project.

Interestingly, almost the 5 schools I already contacted are happy to be part of it. So the first 2 schools will bring their students in various classes from Tuesday 31st January, 2023 and onward. After the first classes, I hope to announce this as a Hive project.

This 2023, I hope to give at least 2000 basic level and High school students the opportunity, to touch, feel and start learning how to use a computer for the first time in their life. It would be life-changing for them because this is the first of its kind for them. This kind of facility does not exist anywhere around their school compound, so it will be a great learning adventure.

I hope to expand the facility from 20 computers to 50 computers in the nearest future, and also give other groups (like graduates) the opportunity to start a career in IT or enhance their IT skills for better job opportunities.

Am already setting up a team to assist this project. Together we hope to re-write the story for many.

  • Conclusion

This is a tiny effort compared to the size of the problem here. But I hope that this project will definitely make a difference in the lives of beneficiaries, effectively transitioning them from Computer Illiterates to experts in the field of Information Technology.

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