LuCoin presale ends this Saturday!

Monday, 6th of November 2023 [21]

Have you heard of LuCoin yet? If you’re one of my favourite hiveans to read on my main account you might have, as you might have received a notification from @hive-lu
that you won LuGold, LuSilver or LuBronze for being on the top 3 of King Lu leaderboard curation. I know @pinkchick @ifarmgirl and @riverflows won some already and might have been wondering what the heck is LuCoin?

What is LuCoin?

LuCoin is a very new project run by @szejq and I was lucky enough to be introduced to it about a month ago. I say lucky, because amongst many L2 tokens on Hive, this project is very interesting and has huge potential.

LuCoin is a dividend token, that is a part of Lu world that @szejq is currently working on. You can read his daily updates on @hive-lu . Hive dividends from holding LuCoin (no need to stake) are paid daily to all qualifying holders, provided that there is at least 0.010 Hive worth of the rewards in their wallet. The rewards add up every day, so if you hold a small amount of LuCoin it might take a few days before you reach the minimum for payout.

0.2% price increase every day

Lu itself increases in value by 0.2% each day, meaning that yesterday you have purchased it at a better price than today and that goes on and on, hence the earlier you’re in the game, the better for your wallet.

While this alone is a good reason to buy today rather than tomorrow, the other great reason to buy today or at least before this coming Saturday is that the presale is about to end.

Presale - get 100% more LuCoin

Presale is rather attractive in my humble opinion. The minimum to qualify for the bonus is 10 Hive. The bot is already running, so the whole process is automated. All you need to do to participate in this presale is send a minimum of 10 Hive and in return you will receive 10 Hive worth of Lu at the current price PLUS another 10 Hive worth of Lu as a bonus!

All Hive transferred to @hive-lu during the presale is then used to Power Up the wallet, which in turn is used for curation.

Now, that’s what you call a great presale. Had you decided to buy LuCoin on presale today, tomorrow you can sell it at 100% profit had you wished to do so. In this post you can read more about what other bonuses will be available for buying Lu after presale ends.

While this in itself is a great profit to capitalise on, that is not my plan for this presale. I currently have around 70 LuCoins in my main wallet and every penny I’ll earn by this Saturday I will spend on this presale. It’s really no brainer for me, but I will explain in more detail why.

Firstly, if I was to buy 10 Hive worth of Lu today and receive 20 Hive worth of Lu, my profit is clear as night and day 100%. And that is awesome! But that’s just one off 100% and poof, all my Lu gone. Had I decided to sell my Lu 5 days later, my profit would already be 101%, 50 days later 110% and so on. 0.2% increase daily increase in price will slowly make the profit more substantial.

While quick profit is great if you have plenty of $ laying around, that’s not what I’m after. I want my money to bring me more money over the time and the world of Lu is a great way of doing just that in my opinion. I might sell a few LuCoins here and there to get my investment back at some point, but for now I’ll just grow my bag and enjoy daily Hive rewards from letting them sit tight in my wallet, increasing 0.2% in price each day.

Become King Lucoin by holding 50 or more Lu

But hey, there are more reasons to buy LuCoin. Lu world is ever expanding. Right now, if you hold 50 or more LuCoin in your wallet you can be one of the very few Lucoin Kings!

What does it mean to be a King?

  • Firstly you will be entitled to either 1 or 2 votes per day (depending on the amount of Lu you hold) for your own posts. The vote value also depends on how much Lu you have in your wallet. Holding around 70 Lu in my wallet at the moment entitles me to receive 30% vote each day.

  • Secondly, @hive-lu will be following your curation trail for up to 10 posts each day (currently 6 for me). Your vote must be 50% or more to activate the voting.

  • 3rd is very closely connected to the 2nd. Every day, the votes of each King are analysed to produce the leaderboard. 3 Kings with the biggest difference between starting vote and final reward the post achieved will receive a share of LuCoin for that day, together with the authors they have voted for. In addition to the rewards in Lu, top3 of the leaderboard can also receive LuGold, LuSilver or LuBronze. There is a however a requirement to reblog the announcement post to receive these additional rewards.

So here, mystery solved! If LuCoin has mysteriously found its way into your wallet, this is most likely how. You could also be gifted a few of those by the owner, but in that case you’d probably know 😉

Advertise and earn Lu

By now I recon it’s quite clear why I decided that LuCoin is a good investment for me. Whether it seems good for you or not, I don’t know and of course I am not a financial adviser of any kind to tell you what to spend your money on.

What I can say though is that if you like the idea of participating in the newly emerging Lu World, there are some ways of earning Lu coin that don’t require spending any money. Firstly of course you can be amongst the lucky winners of the daily curation Leaderboard of one of Lu Kings, but that’s not something you have any control over.

Second way of earning Lu is by promoting it through adding LuCoin banner to your posts. There are some requirements to be met before you can receive Lu. Firstly you need to hold 5 or more Lu in your wallet. The remaining requirements are as follows:

Right, that will be it for today. For more info about LuCoin token, LuCoin advertising and daily reports and dev goals, head over to @hive-lu where you can also find the code to the banner that looks like this:


Until next time 💙

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