Lowering my unrealistic #SaturdaySavers goal from 5565HP to 2500HP

Sunday, 25th of June 2023 [16]


Back at the beginning of this year I was very keen and very optimistic while setting my 2023 goals. I only had about 2 months worth of Hive experience and I totally overestimated my possible growth. Hive price at the time of calculating my goal was also much lower than it currently is, so accumulations seemed much easier.

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We're almost at half a year mark and from this point I can clearly see that was being unrealistic, while setting my goal to 5565 HP to get that Dolphins badge by the end of the year. Since January, when I wrote this post, my Hive stake grew from 300 HP to 1200 HP today, which is 900 HP in almost 6 months.

Nice surprise which I'm sure I mentioned before is that this alt with mainly #Actifit reports now has a life of its own and I managed to collect additional 236 HP on this account, making it a total of 1436 HP for both accounts.

No matter how I calculate though, 1136 HP of total growth is still not even half way to my unrealistic goal of 5565 HP and being half way through my yearly Hive journey is a good time to re-evaluate my goals.

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New goal 2500 HP

My new goal for the end of 2023 will therefore be 2500 HP on my main account only. That's an extra 1300 HP ahead of me and should still be challenging enough, comparing to 900 HP growth in 1st part of the year.

Sure, I could push myself more and post more, but with everything going on in real life I find it tricky to do so regularly. Looking at my unachievable goal only discourages me rather than motivating. Lowering it down to one that I am capable of achieving with a little push is therefore necessary.

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The beautiful thing about Hive though is that once you start the ball rolling, it never stops. I setup an auto-vote for a few of my trusted authors and now even on the days when I don't feel like interacting with humans, my voting power never sits at 100% and therefore curation rewards never stop and as my HP grows, so do my curation rewards.

SO even though I am lowering my goal, I don't feel sad about it. Sooner or later I will get that Dolphins badge, as long as I continue showing up. Being realistic about the new goal will hopefully also make it more pleasant for me.

Now, let's have a look at my progress since 13th of May when I last posted my #SaturdaySavers report. We are now in Week 25 savers!

Total 5565 HP and Dolphins badge - reduced to 2500 HP

That part I already talked about extensively, so let me just clarify that the new goal is for my main account - fantagira only and I will not be adding this alt's HP to my total. I'll still track the progress of it, cause I like to see the numbers grow.

Totals for last report:


Totals today:


In 6 weeks since the last report, I accumulated 253 HP on my main and 78 HP on my alt. A total of 331 HP growth in 6 weeks. I'm happy with that :)

Hopefully at some point I will get into a habit of posting these report on a weekly basis. That would be great!

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365 days HBD savings

This goal has been on pause for quite a while now. As with HP I wanted to do too many things at once I guess. I still throw a HBD or two into my savings account, but HP and LP accumulation are my primary goals.

There is 20.42 HBD in my savings today, so it looks like I added around 5 HBD since last time, when I had 15.477 HBD.

365 days GBP savings

My 365 days goal in my local currency is doing well. Today's saving should be at £155.76 and my total cash savings are much more than that, but I really need to move it to a separate Saturday Savers dedicated box, or else these savings will get eaten when it comes to pay for my fence repairs.

2023 LP and Newborn Cub status

My Leo goal was in danger this month. My total LP last time I reported was 662.3 LP. I added to lots of 150+ Leo at both LPUDS for the total of 982 LP, but the last one was a huge stretch.

Leo price in hive has increased from around 0.08 Hive to 0.28 Hive on the day of June's LPUD. I still had 90+ Leo's missing for the minimum of 150 Leo to power up on LPUD and I didn't like the idea of spending 25 Hive to buy the missing amount.

Luckily @ifarmgirl-leo came to my rescue and lent me 41 Leo which was still missing after I bit my teeth and purchased 50 Leo. The total increase since last report is therefore 320 LP, which makes my goal on track, but I do need to make more effort to earn Leo tokens organically, so I don't need to buy big amounts at every LPUD.

5k delegation that I won by participating in June's #LPUD will sure help this month, but I do need to make #threading my daily habit for the months to come.

Goals summary including L2 tokens

And finally let's have a look at my overall table for today.

TOKEN NAME2023 GOALCurrent STAKETO GOIncrease since last reported
Hive Power250012031298253
Hive Power alt-236-78
Leo Power2023982.01041320 + 25 Leo
SBI?15 Unitsn/a5 units

My #ALIVE stash increased by 145 AP since last report, which still makes it possible for me to reach my 2023 goal of 1k AlivePower in the first half of this year. I did some trading of ALIVE tokens and that helped me to increase my stash faster. Just 86 to go and 5 more days till the end of first half of this year :)

I managed to get one extra EDSMM token for voting in the Author of the week poll on #threads and by commenting on SaturdaySavers post that I did.

Bear in mind that you need to be registered for Saturday savers club in order to be able to win EDSMM for your vote.

My #POB stake although no goal was set, also increased nicely by 181 since last report. I decided not to set a goal for it, but I'll be tracking the progress nonetheless.

My LOH tokens were increased by over 100, making it now possible for me to use LADY tipping command. This is thanks to a lovely lady that I mentioned above, who helped me with my Leo goal.

I removed a few lines from my table this month, as tracking tiny amounts became a bit too cumbersome. I added a goal of 10 000 BBH instead, as I read from @bradleyarrow that apart from weekly swap.hive drips, there will also be Leo drips for those holding 10K BBH or more. Every little Leo helps ;)

That will be it for today!

Happy Saturday and the weekend savers 💙

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My previous savings/goals articles:

3rd LPUD

My 2nd LPUD

3rd PUD and Minnow badge

My Leo goals progress in February

My 2023 secondary goals

My 2023 goals

Until next time 💙


Banner design by @raj808
Saturday Savers Club brought to you by @eddie-earner @shanibeer
Shout out to my saving buddies: @tengolotodo.leo @coquicoin-leo @pinkchic @ifarmgirl-leo @lhes

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All words and pictures are mine unless otherwise stated © 2023 fantagira
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