Christiano Ronaldo NFTs on Binance!?

This is so lame I can't believe I am writing about it

Here are my personal views:

  • NFTs are a waste of digital resources if they don't have any intrinsic value, 99.9999999% of NFTs don't have it
  • Christiano Ronaldo is a great actor, an Oscar-caliber actor
  • connecting a football (fashion) star and NFTs before the games in Qatar is, for some, a great move, for me, it is a bad-taste decision


  • football is a show to squeeze money from the crowds.
  • football stars, and many other professional athletes, get an insane/ridiculous amount of money for their appearances
  • FIFA, the international football association, is a criminal society, a mafia
  • Qatar got the games through bribery
  • structures were built with the blood of slave workers

Need I say more?

This is my one and only article touching on the football world cup. I will ignore this slime pit 100000%. Amen!

better and better
:ervin :lemark

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