My Instacart Financial Report - Week 59


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My 59th Instacart paycheck 💸 🛒

I didn't expect much in terms of earnings during Week 59. I was only able to work three days since I had duties to help my brother move into his new apartment. Let's dive into the smaller than usual details of my work week.


Monday, March 4th

No work

Tuesday, March 5th


I was free to work half of the day on Tuesday, but unfortunately, it didn't equate to much in terms of earnings. I had one measly little order, which I suppose is better than none at all. I didn't stress too much as I was still riding off the high of Week 58.

I made about $39.48/hr on this day.

I'm counting on Wednesday and Thursday, somehow giving me loads of orders. Otherwise, this may be my lowest earning week of Instacart in a long time due to having to take so many days off.

Wednesday, March 6th


Wednesday was short and sweet. I didn't have orders for the first couple of hours that I was online but did snag a couple to finish the morning and start the afternoon.

I made about $56.64/hr on this day.

I called it quits after a few hours of no orders in the afternoon. I once again was going over to my parent's house for dinner. I didn't want to work too late and miss a fine meal with the fam.

Thursday, March 7th


This was my last day of work for the week. Thankfully, Instacart offered me a decent promo. If that hadn't happened, I'm not sure I would have made much money at all.

I made about $50.30/hr on this day.

I did nothing but very small orders so that I could make sure to make the most of the promo and not get my batch pay too high. That and there was also the fact that no good big orders came up all day long.


I did just about as good as I could have for the promo. The bonus equaled out to around $4.81 extra per batch. Not great, but not too bad either.

Friday, March 8th

Saturday, March 9th

Sunday, March 10th

No work, out of town to help my brother move into his new apartment

End of week hours and pay 🤑


My weekly pay was about $170 and I only worked 3.5 hours.

I made about $50.41/hr on average this past week.

Doing it again next week 👀


This was one of my lowest weeks of Instacart earnings for sure, but I was only able to work three days and it came right after my 2nd best week ever. Somehow though, this wasn't my worst week of all time. I'm glad I was able to earn some and aim to make the most of the fact that March will have 5 weeks of pay. In other words, I couldn't have picked a better time to have to take an entire weekend off of work.

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I hope you have enjoyed this insider look at what kind of pay is possible while working for Instacart.


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