Bukele Asserts El Salvador's Autonomy On Independence Day

What makes a nation, community or individual a sovereign entity? I think a country's independence day is an appropriate time to pose such a question.

Over two centuries have passed since El Salvador declared independence from Spain on September 15th, 1821. Since then, the country has suffered through political instability, revolutions, civil wars, and debt servitude to external institutions.

Sometimes escape from El Salvador was the best option. In fact, during the civil war of the 1980s and the ensuing gang violence, there was a mass exodus of Salvadorans seeking refuge in (formerly safe) countries like the USA and Canada.

Nayib Bukele (the former mayor of Nuevo Cuscatlán) and his party "Nuevas Ideas" took office in 2019, and since then the country has experienced some incredible changes in terms of safety, tourism, culture, and foreign investment.

During an independence day speech on Sunday, Bukele outlined the nation's achievements so far, and their plans to improve the country even further.

The Positive Progress Made

Bukele began his address to the nation by acknowledging the lives lost one week ago in a tragic helicopter accident. Mauricio Arriaza (the chief of police), a key figure who dedicated himself to ridding the country of gang violence, unfortunately passed away in the crash.


After paying his respects to the fallen heroes, Bukele proceeded to describe the positive changes that have taken place in El Salvador since 2019, thanks to the sacrifices of many strong leaders and the cooperation of the citizenry.

Bukele reiterated that El Salvador had earned the reputation of murder capital of the world due to decades of unchecked gang violence. Understanding the consequences, Bukele and his team refuse to adopt the West's tolerant stance on crime, and have instead decided to crack down on it.

Also, while western nations push forward with the woke agenda, El Salvador has decided to ban gender ideology in public schools. Moreover, government workers who push policies incompatible with pro-life and pro-family values have been let go.

As you can see, El Salvador is becoming an independent nation once again, making its own decisions for the well-being of its people. The changes that have already taken place in this country could be considered a miracle, but Bukele says there is more work to do.

Improving The Environment and Social Order

In this speech, Bukele stressed the importance of social cohesion - the idea that every individual's actions has an impact on the whole. He urged the people to start making small changes in their daily lives:

  1. Everyone should be treating the environment with respect, meaning that throwing garbage onto the streets, rivers, or beaches will no longer be tolerated.
  2. Everyone should remain orderly and be considerate others, especially when it comes to things like queuing up for food or public transportation.

Of course, these requests apply to both citizens and foreigners alike. Everyone who arrives here needs to play their part in making the country clean and orderly.

Bukele emphasized the need for patience as these changes take place. Transforming a country doesn't happen overnight - it is something that will happen over time, step by step.

Ending Debt Servitude

As opposed to the fiscally irresponsible "developed" nations, Bukele stated that El Salvador will no longer be borrowing money to support their expenditures. Rather, every penny spent will come from the fruits of economic activity taking place within the country.


Although some of what's owed will be repaid via internal commerce, I suspect most of El Salvador's national debt will probably be paid off with profit from their Bitcoin investment.

A major requirement of any independent nation, community, or individual is the refusal of financial aid from external sources, especially in the form of debt that future generations will have to pay off.

Owning Bitcoin (and legalizing self-custody) will eventually free El Salvador from the clutches of external institutions like the IMF and the World Bank.

The Improved Security Situation

Bukele proudly remarked that security in El Salvador had surpassed that of Costa Rica, Chile, and even Canada, making it the safest country in the entire western hemisphere.

A feat that would have been unthinkable only ten years ago, the controversial war on gangs and corresponding state of emergency is what made it a reality.

I've met locals who were in opposition to the state of emergency, mainly because some innocent people ended up in jail. That said, no one can deny the substantial improvement in security, especially compared to the West.

Although violent criminals in El Salvador pose a threat to society and will remain incarcerated, Bukele has said those who haven't committed violent crimes will be re-integrated into society via rehabilitation programs.

The Salvadoran Perspective

Sometimes locals ask me questions along the lines of "why would you want to live here, in a third-world country like El Salvador?" It would seem many have yet to acknowledge the positive changes happening here, and remain clueless to the deteriorating situation in the West.

On the other hand, some locals have come to realize that the city parks are cleaner, people are properly lining up at bus stops, and the population seems to be more relaxed ever since Bukele took office and implemented these unconventional changes.


From my point of view, the overall sentiment in the populace is optimistic, and if you've been paying attention to (uncensored) social media, you will see that citizens of other countries are cheering on the example being set by this small Central American country.

Not only is the Salvadoran diaspora starting to return to their home country after years of being displaced, foreigners (including friends of mine) are beginning to seriously contemplate a new life in El Salvador, thanks to the nation's common sense policies.

Remaining Objective

While many of us are impressed with the progress being made in El Salvador, we should remain objective, and consider that not all is rainbows and butterflies in the country.

Although El Salvador has been paving an independent path in terms of security, conservative values, and financial independence, it did follow the rest of the world with an authoritarian approach to the covid-19 outbreak, which left many people with vaxx injuries.

I also think those who have been falsely accused of violent gang activity should be freed from jail, and allowed to participate in society on the condition of good behavior.

The Future of El Salvador

What does it mean for a country to be truly independent? In my mind, an independent nation/community would make its own decisions based on what's best for its local people, instead of taking orders from world superpowers or international organizations.

At face value, it would appear that El Salvador has decided to take that route.

Considering the increased foreign investment, significant reduction in crime, and progressive Bitcoin/crypto legislation, there is speculation that El Salvador could become the Singapore of Latin America in the coming years.

There is still much work to be done however, and everyone who decides to visit El Salvador needs to pitch in. That means caring for the environment, considering others in daily interactions, and patiently allowing these changes to take place.

If you learned something new from this article, be sure to check out my other posts on crypto and finance here on the HIVE blockchain. You can also follow me on InLeo for more frequent updates.

Until next time...


Bukele's Speech on X [1]

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