Why El Salvador Banned Gender Ideology in Public Schools

President Bukele and his government have made the decision to ban all materials related to gender ideology from Salvadoran public schools. This was confirmed a few days ago on Twitter by José Mauricio Pineda, the Minister of Education:


This means the notion that boys can be girls and girls can be boys will be excluded from the public school curriculum in El Salvador. Kids will focus instead on academic subjects like mathematics, language, and science. Imagine that.

El Salvador and Christianity

If you come visit El Salvador, you will notice that it is generally a conservative country, especially when compared to the increasingly left-leaning provinces/states of Canada and the US.

Similar to other Latin American nations, El Salvador was founded on Christian principles hundreds of years ago, when Spaniards conquered the land. You will see that there are numerous churches and cathedrals all around the country, and that people attend them regularly.

People here commonly attend mass multiple times a week. Unlike in Canada, where people usually only go to church on a Sunday, in El Salvador people can attend worship on both weekdays and weekends.

In addition to places of worship, when driving around the country you'll often see stickers of religious phrases on buses and cars. There is also graffiti in public places that references God, or quotes passages from the bible.

Religion is part of the daily vernacular here in El Salvador. When asking someone how they've been doing, they'll often respond with something along the lines of "todo bien, gracias a dios" (everything is good, thanks to God).

President Bukele often makes reference to God in his political speeches. Something that is being left out more and more in the discourse of western leaders. Perhaps the West can learn something from El Salvador's traditional values and the strong society that is being built upon them.

Even the country's name "El Salvador", and the capital "San Salvador" ("Holy Savior") are representative of the religious principles the country was founded upon. A well-known landmark in the city is Salvador Del Mundo ("Savior of the world"), where important celebrations often take place.


Traditional Values

As a result of the country's adherence to biblical principles, the modern day woke culture is encountering strong resistance.

In El Salvador you (and your young ones) will not be bombarded with woke propaganda on public transportation, billboards, or in workplaces. Compare this to the United States or Canada where woke culture has been spreading rapidly, and kids are being indoctrinated with unnatural ideas from a very young age.

El Salvador Becoming More Attractive

I believe we'll see more traditionally-minded Canadian and American families making the move down here to El Salvador, where free market money is legally accepted, violent crime is not tolerated, and kids can study peacefully in a non-woke environment.

If you enjoyed this article, be sure to check out my other posts on El Salvador, finance, and crypto here on the HIVE blockchain. You can also follow me on InLeo for more frequent updates.


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El Pais English Article [2]

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