The Battle of the Three Armies

It's on, Lions!

With less than 48 hours for the Campaign to finish, we have reached a crossroads, a battle that has been in the horizon for so long and that we cannot avoid any longer.

For so many years the other prides have wanted our territory, and given the recent action in the past 40 days, we cannot keep delaying it, this battle for the control of all the lands is upon us.

We must fight, and we must prevail against the other two Lion Prides... the prize is too big and there's too much at stake here.

Whoever wins... is guaranteed to climb the ranks and surpass those next to them. This is is, this is the battle for glory and for pride.

Black Lions

The Black Lion Pride emerges from the enigmatic depths of the Shadowed Vale, a realm cloaked in perpetual darkness and tangled thickets. These sleek, obsidian-furred lions embody stealth and cunning, their golden eyes holding the secrets of forgotten ages.

Within the dense forests of the Shadowed Vale, the Black Lion Pride has honed their expertise in shadow manipulation. They can meld seamlessly with darkness, stalking their prey unnoticed. Legends whisper of their ability to summon shadowy apparitions, disorienting and confusing their enemies.

Victory in the Battle of the Three Armies promises the Black Lion Pride dominion over the Shadowed Vale and its hidden treasures. Legends speak of an ancient artifact concealed within its depths, capable of bestowing unimaginable power. The Black Lion Pride yearns to unlock these secrets, reshaping the destiny of their realm and wielding unparalleled strength.

The #blacklions are:

@underlock, @l337m45732, @lincemarrom, @cyclops, @yahuzah, @thetimetravelerz
@ramsses-sw25, @peniel2010, @alyshakhan, @luchyl, @fokusnow, @abdulqudus, @bradleyarrow, @lebey1, @ziabutt3838, @milaan, @shawnnft, @rcz24-nftbbg, @tengolotodo.leo, @ezun1, @moretea, @go-kyo, @tokenizedsociety, @yecier, @niallon11, @emeka4, @jongolson, @sabujdip, @hironakamura, @elderdark, @letofreitas, @infynytymining, @libertycrypto27, @reeta0119, @vempromundo, @oasiskp2, @rimsha1014, @itsme9001, @rubencress, @jessicaossom, @letofreitasbank, @shiftrox, @nane-qts, @ahmadmanga

White Lions

The White Lion Pride originates from the frigid peaks of the Frostfall Mountains, a realm draped in perpetual snow and ice. These regal lions, adorned in pristine white fur, embody grace and wisdom. They possess an unparalleled understanding of their environment and the ethereal forces of nature.

Within the Frostfall Mountains, the White Lion Pride has honed their mastery of ice manipulation. They can summon blizzards and freezing gusts of wind, crippling their foes with subzero temperatures. Legends speak of their ability to fashion ice into lethal weapons, freezing adversaries with a single swipe of their mighty paws.

The White Lion Pride's victory in the Battle of the Three Armies would restore balance to the delicate ecosystems of their realm. They aspire to safeguard their enchanting landscapes, preserving them for generations to come. By triumphing, they become the protectors of the Frostfall Mountains, ensuring the survival of its inhabitants and maintaining the harmony of their snowy domain.

The #whitelions are:

@lipe100dedos, @michupa, @ifarmgirl-leo, @mango-juice, @rubilu, @ksam, @crptogeek, @ijelady, @garorant, @ssebasv, @sammyhive, @smariam, @jfang003, @janetedita, @bitcoinflood, @josediccus, @wealthwess, @maryjacy, @idksamad, @princessbusayo, @ayomike, @globetrottergcc, @beauty197, @silversaver888, @brando28, @uyobong, @mcoinz79, @rtonline, @onwugbenuvictor, @filoriologo, @beststart, @fexodine1, @marajah, @finguru, @intishar, @gadrian, @alfamano, @typebox, @bizzyn, @jocieprosza, @katerinaramm, @cpol, @rimurutempest,

Brown Lions

The Brown Lion Pride thrives in the Sunfire Savannah, a vast expanse of sun-drenched grasslands and golden plains. These noble lions, donning tawny coats, embody resilience, loyalty, and an indomitable spirit.

Within the Sunfire Savannah, the Brown Lion Pride has forged an unbreakable bond with the elements. They can harness the power of raging wildfires, summoning flames to scorch their foes and creating a blazing shield of protection. Legends tell of their communion with the spirits of the land, gaining guidance and augmenting their strength.

The Brown Lion Pride seeks victory in the Battle of the Three Armies to safeguard the bountiful lands of the Sunfire Savannah. They envision a future where the savannah thrives, offering refuge and sustenance to its inhabitants and weary wanderers alike. Triumph would ensure prosperity and harmony, as the Brown Lion Pride becomes the custodians of this vibrant ecosystem.

The #brownlions are:

@nonsowrites, @tsunsica, @andrewmusic, @abu78, @rabihfarhat, @pvmihalache, @ewuoso, @meritahama, @jfuji, @jesus-son, @lifeof.abdul, @jordy0827, @alokkumar121, @joheredia21, @vikvitnik, @rmsadkri, @alexvan, @tmicezack, @randumb, @guurry123, @stevenson, @sureway044, @hopestylist, @jomancub, @adedayoolumide, @ovey10, @jesusalejos, @samueluche, @mintymile, @elianaicgomes, @glorydee, @tamilcharitycoin, @herculeand, @magalli, @henrietta27, @saggi07, @andydoc7z, @zullyscott, @temmylade, @behiver, @valeriavalentina, @wizj, @utymarvel,

The Battle of the Three Armies

The Battle of the Three Armies has been destined to occur, an epic clash born out of ancient prophecies and the convergence of these formidable lion prides from distinct realms. Fueled by their deep-rooted desires and aspirations, each pride seeks to prevail and claim dominance over the others, driven by the longing for power, preservation, and purpose. It is a contest where the White Lion Pride aims to restore harmony to their wintry domain, the Black Lion Pride yearns to unlock the secrets and harness the might of the Shadowed Vale, and the Brown Lion Pride endeavors to safeguard the flourishing Sunfire Savannah. This battle represents a pivotal moment where destinies intertwine, and the lion prides must unleash their unique strengths, cunning strategies, and formidable elemental powers, all in a bid to emerge victorious and shape the future of their realms, leaving a lasting legacy in the annals of history.

Threads is the Battleground

But this time is not only Thread count, making a ton of threads will not get you to victory.

You have to actually create amazing threads and reply to others, share images and make polls (and answer polls as well).

We will use a Team scoreboard to measure which team is winning, and we will update it every hour and we will post it on Threads by @leogrowth.

The Army that scores the most points will win the battle!


Starts June 9 at 00:00 UTC
Ends June 10 at 12:00 UTC

So it starts in one hour

That's 36 hours of battle!


To score points in the leaderboard for your army you must make Threads, and you must take into account:

  • Thread length - The longer your threads, the more points you score.
  • Sharing links is better at the end of a Threadstorm, never at the beginning.
  • Using the tag #threadstorm is only for the first thread of the storm.
  • If you make a poll, tag it #polls and get more points.
  • Using the calendar Threading with an image and the correct tag gives good points.
  • Threadstorms are better than simple Threads.
  • Threasdtorms longer than 10 threads stop adding points.
  • A Thread with a lot of engagement counts more than a Threadstorm with no replies.
  • If you make too many threads but do not reply to others, your score drops, so keep a balance between your own threads and replies to others.
  • Replies to replies mean more points.

Worthy engagement, quality Threading

The Armies were picked taking into account your place on the Zealy Leaderboard, so if you are part of the army that wins, you will surpass everyone around you on the leaderboard.

It's not only about sending a lot of Threads to win the battle, it is also about the quality of the Threads and the interaction with other people!

So now, all you have to do is gather your team, rally the troops and organize your strategy!

Experience Points on Zealy

  • The winner Army will get 12k XP and a Boss Slayer NFT.

  • The second Army will get 5k XP.

  • The third Army will get 2XP

The XP above was edited after getting some feedback, and the winning team will get 12k XP, which is 10% of the total XP of the campaign.

The second Army will only get XP if their score is at least 80% of the total score of the winner army.
The third Army will only get XP if their score is at least 80% of the total score of the second army.

The Quest must be claimed before the 10th ends UTC on Zealy, so be prepared because the Leaderboard closes at midnight UTC.


You can recruit other Lions if they are not on any other Army and increase your chances to win the Battle!

  • If you are not on any army but want to participate, make a Thread with the tag of the army you want to join and tag @anomadsoul - #whitelions, #blacklions #brownlions
  • If you are part of an army but you don't thread at least 0.35% of the total of your team's score, you will not get any XP.

Leave a comment, tag others and begin organizing your Army!

Tip: You don't need to use your army tag on every tag you use, thread normally! I count every thread sent :D

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