If only I had 250,000 HIVE

My poem to HIVE

Oh the joy I would have,
What a time it would be,
to have such a stake,
of the blockchain for me,

I would hodl and stake it,
as Hive power of course,
I would vote on proposals,
that were all open source,

I'd curate and vote on
good content all day
I'd comment, reply
and give tips by the way

I would have my own show
'bout the things that I fancy
about music and business
and girls in their panties

I could do what I want
If I'd Two fifty K
Since my stake is my voice
I don't care what YOU say.

Yeah I'll own my account
and You'll kiss my flat ass
I could post and buy whiskey
on the rocks in a glass

I'd be a part of a crew
that make the HIVE network strong
by keeping my coins
do you follow along?

It's the truth that I speak
Yeah, I'm not kidding mate
I'd be a part of the ONLY
True life network state.

But wait... I can do all that now.

Alex Rourke surprised at HIVE.png

I already own an account with my name and avatar on it. I can communicate for free and send value over the HIVE blockchain instantly and free. I can even interact with all the brick & mortar businesses that accept Bitcoin. I can build a community with like-minded people from around the world and I can tokenize assets and sell them on the market as NFTs, just like I did with this piece of art that I made with a band I produced:

You can read the story here

And check out the piece on @nftshowroom here:


There is so much being developed on here all the time that before we know it, all those folks tired of the same old web 2.0 platforms will find their way home.

Sure, there may not be millions of people here yet, but we're early and should take advantage of that. If I improve my consistency on HIVE and its frontends, I'm sure I can find multiple ways of adding value to this ecosystem and get rewarded in the process.
Slowly and consistently I can build up that stash to 250K and so can you fren :)

Why 250K?

well, I'm working towards my BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) for January 2030, My time horizon for my HIVE goal of 207,000HP to be exact. 250K is just rounder and higher. So I went with that.

207K BHAG for Jan 2030.png

When I reach this level of HP I can be earning decent curation rewards if I manage to keep my curation APR at around 7%.

Here are a few scenarios at 250,000 HP with curation APR at 7%:

ScenarioHive PriceMonthly Curation reward

Not bad, right?

I'm totally if the $Hive price remains at $0.35. I'll continue to use d'apps as they are. But to be honest, there's so much being built, there's so much demand for resource credits, that I don't see that happening. HIVE will see upside price action in the next bull run. The bare minimum for me to even take a little bit of profit is $2.00.

What will I be doing all this time?

Of course, my plan is to do stuff while I work on reaching my HP goal. Here are a few things that I plan on doing:

  • Continue using HIVE as a social media platform
  • Continue bringing musicians to web 3 through Live sets from @recording-box studio
  • Make more in-person video content
  • Rent out some HD space using the SPKNetwork find out how HERE
  • Fire up a validator node
  • Produce a podcast
  • Start HIVE Guatemala

This last one is going to be cool and fun. I'm still putting ideas together, but all in all, I believe there's a lot that can be done to help people in need in Guatemala using HIVE. Small actions can go a long way. If you've been keeping up with what the boys of Hive Ghana are doing, you know what I'm talking about. They are changing people's lives by bringing potable drinking water to villages in need. You can read about the 10th borehole here

Guatemala is a place that needs help with water, education, waste management, so I'm sure we can find a cause to help out with. Aside from that, I'm already seeing some Hiveans here and there. Recognize this guy?

Yep, that's our friend Neo, who you might have heard on CTT Podcast on Saturdays.

I'm so grateful I found this place you guys; we're still very early.

I hope you enjoyed my poem and I hope you like my plan.

See you in 2030 frens

Image credits:

image of me created using Midjourney based on my interwebs avatar. He's clearly walking through a Truffula Tree forest with golden fruit to symbolize abundance.
All other images are linked to their respective sources.

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