This Seems Like an Interesting Concept!


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I’m not one to follow the whales personally - but that’s not to say that I have anything negative to say about those who do, it just doesn’t interest me.

But I do love Doge, independent of anyone else’s comments on it, and the GME saga has at least led me to believe Mark Cuban is a legit innovator in this realm in general.

I came in on Doge at around 0.005 cents, back when I didn’t really own my Doge cuz I got my start with all this on Robinhood. When I learned a little more and decided it was time to hodl my own keys/wallet - you know, I decided it would be best if my crypto was, well, mine. …To make that happen at that time, I had to sell it all and buy back in through a real exchange. Since then I’ve done dollar cost averaging from 80 cents down to the recent prices closer to 13 cents.

Doge is a big deal for me. As I spoke about here, it is my primary avenue for investing in Hive. For every purchase of Doge, I put 90-95% into Hive and let the remainder stay Doge, accumulating in my cold wallet.

Anyway, let’s discuss the issue at hand, if only for a brief moment.

Personally, I don’t branch out. I have always wanted one Internet home. I tried MySpace when I was in the army overseas. It gave me a way to connect with people back home, but obviously we all know where that one ended up. Then I tried Facebook, but found myself disappointed in that one after awhile despite all of its success. I tried a small group called Breakdivers; this one actually was a very cool concept and had some really cool people. It’s the most like Hive blog out of any, because of the focus on quality content. Unfortunately, I struggled to keep up with engagement expectations and eventually had to put it down. I tried Instagram when my quest for fulfillment led me to gratitude journaling, but never felt much like I belonged. Then, when GME started, I joined Reddit where I eventually met @quochuy , who pointed me towards Hive when I indicated I was in search of a good video hosting space. Once I found Hive Blog/ @ecency , that was it. I had found my forever home. Why do I say all this? Because it doesn’t matter what they do, I’ll never personally use Twitter.

Get to the Point, Old Alby!

Nonetheless, I think this is a cool way to anchor my second-most beloved crypto to a very popular use-case. Why do I speak so highly of Doge? A) it was my first, B) Network fees are super reasonable. I could use ETH or something to get my Hive, but I’d lose a veritable shit-ton of money in doing so. Often times, the piddly little amounts I scrape up to invest wind up being less than the transfer fees for the bigger coins. Yesterday, I bought $2 worth of Doge and used Blocktrades to turn it into Hive.
In my experience so far, this would not have been possible with ETH.

In Closing

Do you think it’s likely to happen? We’ve seen Elon drive the price of Doge around with the recklessness of a teenage joy-rider, so personally I don’t put a lot of stock (no pun intended) in his statements, but I suspect if this happened it would have a positive impact on my (second) favorite crypto.

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


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Use my Coinbase referral link to get started with Coinbase! I’ll get $10 in Bitcoin but, more importantly, you will get $10 in Bitcoin too!

Here is a post I did recently about using Coinbase with HiveWallet to get Hive in the US. If you’re wanting to buy Hive and are having difficulties, this may be helpful for you!


img_4687.png Meimg_4689.png My Flutes



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