I Asked the AI About Evergreen Ideas With Low Levels of Competition

Evergreen content is any content that stays relevant over time. An evergreen article can be read years after being published and still be useful to the target audience.

Since INLEO announced a system for rewarding Evergreen articles on the blockchain's interface, I've been thinking about it and asking ChatGPT for ideas.

In the previous article I asked ChatGPT for Medium-Effort ideas for Evergreen Content. In this article I'm asking for ideas that don't have competition, or ideas that many people wouldn't try.

The Prompt:

After asking about medium effort ideas, I thought of writing something more unique. I asked ChatGPT for ideas with low competition and for the reasons they're like that.

Me: Give me ideas for evergreen articles that not many people have tried or wouldn't try and give me the reasons for that.

The Response:

ChatGPT: Certainly, here are some unique evergreen article ideas that may not be widely explored, along with reasons why people might hesitate to try them:

1. Secrets of Forgotten Inventions

  • Explore little-known or forgotten inventions from history and their potential applications today. People may not try this due to the research required to unearth obscure inventions.

That sounds interesting. Especially since I watched a few videos about old inventions before. What comes to mind is Leonardo Da Vinci's Flying Machines designs. His designs are worthy of many articles.

2. The Psychology of Unconventional Hobbies

  • Delve into the reasons people pursue unusual or unconventional hobbies and how they impact well-being. Many might shy away from this due to the limited audience, but it can be fascinating.

This would be if I had something interesting to say about these hobbies. My hobbies are quite conventional. Maybe I could write an article about Stamp collecting. It was popular during my parents' generation, but I guess most younger people don't know about it.

@gregscloud provided a similar idea below.

3. Lost Arts and Crafts Revival

  • Showcase traditional, nearly forgotten crafts and skills and their resurgence in the modern world. The challenge lies in finding skilled practitioners to feature.

I know why this has low competition. The challenge of finding modern world partitioners is very difficult. I can write about normal arts and crafts, though. I've seen a few Crafters here on HIVE too.

4. Science Fiction Predictions

  • Analyze how past science fiction literature accurately predicted future technologies and events. This may require in-depth research and knowledge of science fiction literature.

Eploring which science fiction ideas have become true would be something great to write about one day. I'm not a heavy reader of hard Sci-Fi to be good at doing this.

5. Sustainable Living Off the Grid

  • Offer a comprehensive guide on sustainable off-the-grid living, complete with practical tips and resources. Some may hesitate due to the perceived difficulty of implementing such a lifestyle.

While I'm not into living off-grid, this topic will be amazing for many Hivers. The AI said that many people hesitate to do it because it's hard, but Hive is the perfect place for it.

6. The History of Food Preservation

  • Explore ancient and innovative techniques for preserving food and their modern relevance. Research and knowledge of food history might be needed.

I'm not going to write about this topic. For someone who's into researching Food History, it might be a good fit.

7. Micro-Niche Travel Guides

  • Create travel guides for ultra-specific niches, like "The Ultimate Guide to Bonsai Tree Enthusiasts' Tour in Japan." These might not be common because of the limited audience.

This is another idea I wouldn't try, but it's good for writers in the travel-niche.

8. Time Capsules

  • Explore the concept of time capsules, their history, and their significance in preserving culture. People may not try this due to the need for historical research.

Would love to write about Time Travel in anime and/or video games. Now that I think of it, Animus of the Assassin's Creed series is a literal Time Capsule.

9. The Art of Napping

  • Delve into the science and culture of napping, its benefits, and how to optimize power naps. The uniqueness lies in the focus on a specific aspect of sleep.

That's... An idea.

Well, anything about the benefits of sleep could be an ever-green article, and focusing on napping should in theory have a low competition.

Maybe I should research that.


10. Lost and Found Languages

  • Highlight obscure or extinct languages and their revival efforts. The scarcity of information on these languages may deter some from writing about them.

I like this one. I could write about obscure languages or even fictional ones. Of course, this needs a lot of research on each language chosen.

11. The Science of Superstitions

  • Dive into the psychology and origins of common superstitions, exploring why people believe in them. This topic is less common because it requires an interdisciplinary approach.

While I like psychology and am intrigued by superstitions, I don't have the knowledge to write something that combines them. I do think it'll make a good read if done correctly.

12. Extraordinary Careers You Never Knew Existed

  • Highlight unconventional and intriguing career paths that people have pursued. This may not be widely explored due to the need for in-depth interviews and research.

If I found people like that, why not? I'm sure anything you can think of has been turned into a career by someone.

Some people made a career out of their Hive accounts. That's admirable in my opinion.

13. The Art of Non-Verbal Communication

  • Explore the significance of body language, gestures, and expressions in human interaction and how to improve them. This is a unique focus on communication.

I'm not sure if this has low competition as body language is a pretty big niche as is. Will not write about this.

14. The Science of Taste and Flavor Pairing

  • Delve into the science behind taste and flavor combinations, offering insights for both cooking and beverage creation. Many may shy away due to the technical nature of this topic.

As with point 6. "The History of Food," I'm not into food-based niches but I think "The Science of Flavor" makes a good technical article.

15. Ultimate DIY Experiments for Kids

  • Create a comprehensive guide to safe and exciting science experiments parents can do with their children at home. This may require a strong background in educational content creation.

This would make a better book than an article. I see the ever-green nature of this topic.

I'd like to write some #DIY articles, especially Raspberry Pi-based ones now that Raspbeery Pi 5 has been released. However, basing DIY article on an ever-evolving technology might not be a great idea for Evergreen content.

16. Rediscovering Ancient Board Games

  • Explore and teach readers how to play ancient and lesser-known board games from different cultures. This is unique because it combines history and gaming.

Now I read this, I realize I don't know much about Board Games history. (I know that Chess is really old.) Rediscovering them could make a good article.

Even modern board games could make a big niche. Many new board games are released every month.

17. Future of Digital Nomadism

  • Discuss emerging trends in remote work and location-independent lifestyles, along with potential challenges. People may not try this due to its speculative nature.

There are more than a few Digital Nomads on HIVE. I can either interview them or write my opinion on Digital Nomadism in general. (Being location-free is a dream for many.)

18. The Art of Creative Problem-Solving

  • Present techniques and case studies of creative problem-solving in various industries. The challenge lies in finding unique and captivating case studies.

This would make a great article or a series of posts!

I could even write threadstorms about Creative Problem-Solving on #InLeo. I could use the AI to help me find some ideas, and I could check out Youtube, the infinite source for some ideas.

19. The World's Most Mysterious Libraries

  • Showcase libraries with hidden treasures, secret archives, or enigmatic histories from around the world. The challenge is in finding such libraries and gathering information.

I love this idea, but I'm probably not writing articles about it. The challenge of finding mysterious libraries is too much for me.

I could write about historical libraries like the Library of Alexandria or the Library of Baghdad. (Before its bombing.)

20. The Psychology of Laughter

  • Examine the psychological and physiological benefits of humor and laughter. This is a unique approach to the psychology of well-being.

I probably won't write about laughter, but I like the idea. I may write "10 reasons you need to smile"-kind of article.

21. Rediscovering Traditional Medicine

  • Explore traditional healing practices from different cultures and their modern applications. People may hesitate due to concerns about cultural sensitivity and accuracy.

There are more than a few Traditional Healing methods practiced in Libya where I live.

One of them "الحجامة" known in English as Cupping therapy which has a surprising amount of people claiming they benefitted from it, including someone close to me.

22. The Language of Symbols

  • Discuss the symbolism and meanings of common symbols, icons, and emojis in communication and culture. This topic is less common due to its interdisciplinary nature.

I love symbolism in fiction so I might draw a parallel between that and the language of symbols in the future.

23. The Hidden World of Urban Exploration

  • Offer insights into the subculture of urban exploration, with tips and safety guidelines. Some might avoid this due to the potential legal and safety issues involved.

Umm... I fail to understand the difference between "Urban Exploration" and plain "Traveling."

24. Future of Humanity Beyond Earth

  • Speculate on the future of human colonization of other planets and the challenges it poses. The topic is unique but involves speculative content.

I'm not sure if humans could live on other planets. Even in the future. Space travel takes a long time, and we've yet to find a planet that has the same life-sustaining environment as Earth.

Maybe I should write a full article based on the paragraph above.

25. Life Lessons from Historical Pranks

  • Analyze famous historical pranks and the lessons they teach about humor, creativity, and human nature. This is unique due to its blend of history and life lessons.

Whether this means big scale pranks like countries/tribes do on one another, or just individual pranks recorded on Youtube, I think this is an interesting topic, but will not write something like that.

Asking Around Hive?

I asked people on HIVE: "What do you think some EverGreen Content ideas that many people wouldn't try? Or doesn't have much competition/audience?"

@ifarmgirl proposed to do "How to?" posts as people search for them.

ifarmgirl-leo > I'm interested to learn too :) Some say creating "How To" topics or content can be a good start as people usually search online for such things :)

I agree, "How to" topics are always in demand.

Another answer came from @gregscloud. He gave a bunch of ideas including Niche Hobbies. Natural Well-Being. Sustainable Living, and Ethical Lifestyle. I loved his comment!

gregscloud Some ideas: Niche Hobbies. Guides on unique activities like bonsai or beekeeping.

Natural Well-Being. Holistic health and natural remedies.

Sustainable Living. Tips on upcycling, zero waste, and green energy.

Ethical Lifestyle. Sustainable and ethical living practices.


I'm glad I got two people to answer this post's question. Thank you both.

Can you think of Another Idea?

So, these were the ideas I got from ChatGPT about low-competition Evergreen content. They're different than the ideas I got last time from "Evolution" and "Quizzes" to "Infographics." All of these are more technical, which is a good thing in my opinion.

I like the "Time Capsuls" idea. I think I could write something for "Creative Problem-Solving," and "The language of symbols." An idea I thought would be suited for a book is "DIY Experiments for Kids."

What do you think?

Do you have another idea to add? Have an opinion you'd like to share? I look forward to your comments.

Salam (Peace.)

* Images in this post are made using iBisPaint. I also use CSP for drawing.
* The Supporter @eturnerx gets 4% of this post's rewards. @gregscloud and @ifarmgirl get %4 each of this post's rewards for answering my question. Become a Supporter Too!

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