The Intrinsic Value of LEO in My Native Country(Romania)

Just a few weeks ago when the bull run was in full swing I was already anticipating to see LEO at at least $0.5 by this time around or at around $1 by the end of the year, and theoretically it can even exceed $1 by EOY, but let's not take our eyes away from the present and current valuation of the token, which at the moment of writing is $0.248 and have a look at its true value and perspective.

Not bad for a second layer token I tell you, and definitely still a good catch at this price. Now, lets take the talk to real life level for a few minutes, shall we. I, the one and only @acesontop, live in Romania and was born here, which is a not so small country in Eastern Europe, with a not too good economy either. Our native currency is called RON, but it used to be called the Romanian LEU for many years and we still call it like that, which can also be somehow translated as the Romanian LEO.

The Romanian LEU(RON) is actually a quarter of a dollar in valuation which makes it actually equal to one LEO token, at the current price of course, hence since I'm going shopping today I could imagine spending LEOs instead of LEU, which is something I'm not going to do yet because LEO is still undervalued, but for the sake of entertainment, lets see how some Romanian prices would translate to LEO.

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Considering that at least for the moment of writing I can peg LEO to my native currency, it will be quite easy to pour a few price tags in here so you guys can have a glimpse of what the cost of living in my part of the world looks like. So, lets start with bread, which I bought this morning and paid 3.3 LEOs(in Romanian LEU of course) for a half a kilo loaf. Then, a coffee at a restaurant near by would be 5 LEO, hot chocolate and tea are sold for 6.

If you wanna have a beer, a 330 ml one, you'd have to pay 7 LEOs at the same restaurant, a 20 cigarettes pack would cost you around 20 tokens, an omelette and half a liter of mineral water at a nice restaurant near Danube would be about 25 LEOs, while having lunch and dessert at the same location would be around 50-70 LEOs depending on what are you opting for.

Gas, the regular one, is currently 4.6 LEO per liter and if I'd have to change the oil and filters on my car would cost me about 200 tokens. Lets say you don't eat at the restaurant every day, so what would be the cost of some usual groceries, and in here I can only share with you prices for the stuff I buy, I usually don't know prices for other things and I don't even care tbh, and I can't even remember all of the ones of the most stuff I buy either.

So, bananas are about 5 LEO per kilo, oranges about the same, a liter of milk( the one I'm buying) would cost around 7 of our beloved tokens. Steak, would be about 25-30 LEO per kilo, if I'm not mistaken, eggs are usually about 1 LEO per egg, the good quality ones of course, butter is about 6-8 LEO per 250mg pack, a bottle of wine(average quality) is about 30 LEO, some of the good beer that is being sold in the supermarket is being sold at around 3 LEO, while cheese(the one I'm eating) is worth around 30 tokens per kilo.

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Clothing... let's do that too. Last pair of sport shoes that I bought were 300 LEO and they weren't too cheap and definitely not too expensive either. A t-shirt would be around 50, shorts about 80, running trousers, the ones that I bought a few month ago were about 150, a nice winter jacket around 300, the boots are at around 500, while a hoodie would cost on average about 100. It depends a lot on where you buy them from, brand, quality... etc.

Cable internet for one month costs me 30 LEOs, at the current price, need to once again mention, my prepay sim option is around 40 a month, car insurance is about 400 LEOs per year, road tax something like 100 per year if not mistaking, a bottle of Jack Daniels(the 500 ml if I remember correctly) something like 70 at the supermarket, a fast food meal at KFC or something similar would cost you around 25-30 LEO and a boat cruise on the Danube which is one of the main attractions of the area would cost you 50 LEO.

Now, these are a few common prices that crossed my mind while writing the post so if you are curious to compare almost anything that you could think of, from Romania with your own country, price wise, feel free to ask. A Bitcoin by the way is 76,600 RON which translates to... 76,600 LEO. Hope you found this post interesting and see you to the next one.

Thanks for attention,

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