Dealing with distractions or chosing your distractions 🤔

We all want a happy life. One that is free from regrets and misfortunes. Unfortunately a lot of times life can be so frustrating, and it gets even more worst when these frustrations are a result of individual misdeeds or occurrences that could otherwise be prevented or avoidable or should I say efficiently utilized. I have been in situations where I knew that if I have committed more of myself to a particular thing, the output would definitely have been better than the results I got.


I know as individuals alot of us have this proclivity or tendency to run away from truth, but that doesn't deny the fact that most of our so called misfortunes are a result of our own individual neglects and malevolence towards our self and our desired outcome.
I'm an example of someone that have tried dealing with my own distractions for several years. And seriously speaking I have a very different point of view and very different approach as regarding what people call distractions.
What might be a distraction to you might be a way of life for another person, or maybe a daily routine, or even a necessity, or might simply be something fun and enjoyable. So when I talk to people about distractions I don't go ahead to give non practical pieces of advice or tell you how to or what you must do. Reason being that you need to first of all understand what distraction is to you and why you should tag something as a distraction.


Chosing your distractions.
And someone will wonder why we have to chose distractions, I mean if something is distracting why still chose it.
Well, I am one of those that hold the opinion of life which I think is true and sincere. That is the fact that life is meant to be lived and not merely endured like one perpetual boot camp.
I mean we have only one life right ? and why live it as if you're leaving part of it to come back and re-live again.
So one must chose his/her distractions.
It is not everything that is not geared towards achieving your goal that is a distraction, sometimes our brain just needs that cool off time away from work, stress and worries.




These are the real distractions

  1. Things, events, individuals that take more life from you than they give back
  2. Habits that have a net negative impact on your health. NB, good health spans across the physical body, the mind and the soul.
  3. When a continuously repeated act does not add any value to your person. When I say your person I mean your individual perception of yourself, your social standing, and your own values in relation to societal values.
  4. Wrong timing of activities is one thing that can make a rather healthy, important, or probably necessary, or just normal activity to be termed distracting. Say for example a student who spend the night before his exam watching an important Netflix series and because of that he couldn't do enough revision or have enough rest before the exam.
  5. Habits, things, activities and events that when compounded does not facilitate the achievement of your long term goals.


Dealing with it
If you followed through to this point you would have discovered that nothing can be termed entirely a distraction, it all depends on how much value you get in return, how healthy are those actions and activities, does it give more life at that point or does it take more life from you, is it the right timing for the activity and finally, will these habits facilitate the achievement of your long term goals.


My personal advice
I might spend hours on my phone getting value, while another person spends the same amount of hours with his/her phone and nothing to show for it.
I might stay hours on discussions exchanging value with group of friends while another group of friends spend the same amount of hours just whiling away time.
So it all boils down to value.
What we term distraction might just be a way of getting value for others.
So in conclusion know that you are responsible for your actions, never measure yourself with others and chose your distractions wisely because at one time or the other everyone gets distracted. But what distracts you and how you exchange your time for value is worth determines if it was really a distraction.


Thank you for reading through ❤️
I'm Stevewealth 😁. I hope to bring more amazing contents to your door step.

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