Rewire your Mindset and Belief, Honor Progress over Perfection.

How do you take care of yourself? How do you reset and detox? There are times in life when all you want is to look good, the ladies get their hair done and the men get a haircut, we all just try to redefine ourselves in general..... When these physical care (hair, nails, clothes) become worn out, what do we do? we go again with new ones..... The cycle technically continues. But there are a few steps to take that can genuinely change your life drastically.



If your ultimate goal is to be truly free, then you would have to go beyond tactics and strategy, because they have no weight in comparison to the far reaching power of the mind. This takes us directly to MINDSET, the problem is not that you're anxious, the problem is that something inside of you is basically causing the anxiety. The anxiety is just a side effect or result of the conflict in your mind {The turmoil within yourself.}


QUESTION YOURSELF: How do I change my minset?

  1. You can easily start by FORGIVING YOURSELF, Too much self depreciation can be harmful to your mental health.learning to forgive yourself for the mistakes you make and treating them as opportunities to grow can be very important for your mental health and general well--being.


  1. MINDFULNESS: a proper definition is the ability to be present, aware of who we are and what we are doing.{Alertness, focus, vigilant, caution}.
    Being Introspective or mindful can give you a sense of clarity of who you are, how you think and what you really want. It arms you with self knowledge that you can use to move forward.



Mindfulness helps to:
✓Minimizes stress.
✓Lowers levels of anxiety and depression.

Ways we can practice mindfulness is by:
✓ By keeping a journal, where you can write down things you're grateful for and plans to achieving a goal.
✓ By taking time to reflect on one's self, it could be just sitting down and meditating {YOGA}.
Finally, we need to be intentional about these steps, and honor progress over perfection.


My name is Maureen and this is my first time posting here. I'm glad to be here.

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