Setting A Goal For A Better Tomorrow

On my last post, I talk about stages of life. Now in todays post I want to talk about goal setting. Why did I bring in my last topic here?

In life, for you to make it through out the stages of life and succeed, you have to set a goal. For you to set up a goal, firstly you have to know what you want to achieve, set a target, when you know these, it will give you the basic steps to follow.

Goal setting can be seen as the act of planning ahead with motivation and determination in other to achieve a goal.
A fool at 40 is a fool forever they say, when you don't set up a goal, when you don't have a target, you end up being a fool forever

As I said earlier, be motivated always, be determined, stay focused, do not let anyone or anything around, be it situation to draw you back. The goal must be achieved.

By Kuwaiti
happy new week and happy new month

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