Trust is always directly proportional to honesty

Hi Hive Lovers

In all dimensions, honesty is the basic foundation for one's personality. It becomes the beginning for the growth and development of other main values towards success in one's life.

The values of #integrity, #fairness, #accountability, #responsibility, #professionalism, and many other values all start with and depart from the principle of honesty. If honesty is high, then other values will also be high. Conversely, if the value of honesty is low, it is certain that other values will also fall freely.

I, and of course all of you, have often experienced how the basic value of honesty works. Actions and reactions from the operation of the value of honesty are always balanced and interrelated, always in direct proportion.

I have been entrusted with the responsibility of managing a work unit with 50 people in my team, and I have encountered many things related to the cause and effect of the principle of honesty within the year since I was entrusted with managing them.

Most of the people working in my unit adhere to the principle of honesty and have implemented it very well in their work. They always have a good personality and stand out in their work performance.

Those who have high integrity, fairness, and excellent performance accountability also have high responsibility and professionalism. These people have very good and strong personality values, and their scores are far above the average.

They are the target and promotion priority as compensation for their good performance, and everything starts with the principle of honesty that they have.

On the other hand, there are also a small number of people in my unit who have below-average performance; they are people who initially ignored the principle of honesty in their performance, and in my view, they have a personality that is not good. Because the result is that they become targets for demotion, or at least they will be transferred to other units with lower levels.

As a small example, I will have observed and assessed people who even took a pen from the office home with them. It was not supposed to be taken home but to be worn at work. Honest people wouldn't take anything home from their office, not even a pen, right?

What you sow is what you will harvest

People who keep their honesty always have the respect of everyone, and they are the people who are always lucky. In fact, they are making their own fortune.

The principle of honesty is a process that is built consistently and becomes the foundation for the success of those who build it. Once they cheat or are dishonest, then all other values will be destroyed.

Trust must be built over a long period of time and implemented consistently with a foundation of honesty. But that trust can be lost in seconds if you just commit a little cheat. Trust is always directly proportional to honesty.

Once someone cheats, they will never be trusted again in their whole life

Let's take another small example from your personal life. Try to re-examine the condition of your relationship with your partner.
How much trust do you have in your partner? Is your trust in your partner directly proportional to his honesty?

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