Getting Back In Touch With God


We've all been in that situation. Even though we have a period set out for devotion, as soon as we open our eyes, someone is counting on us. The moment we put our feet on the floor, our mental to-do lists go into overdrive as they flood into our consciousness. The passage of time causes us to put our quality time spent with God on the back burner, and time ends up flying by.
Our hearts' deepest goal is to maintain our connection to God, but doing so requires a consistent commitment, rigorous self-control, and a recommitment to putting God first. The fact of the matter is that life has a way of getting in the way of our best laid plans, and despite our best efforts, we are unable to maintain our connections. The responsibilities of our everyday lives consume us, and spending time with God either falls to the bottom of our priority list or is completely eliminated.

The good news is, however, that God never stops calling us and drawing us back into a relationship with Him. If you have let other "things" take precedence over your time spent with God, the following are strategies to reconnect with God when you feel as though you have grown away from him:


Keep a Journal of your Gratitude

When we feel disconnected from God, expressing appreciation is one of the finest methods to reestablish our connection with him. It is so easy for us to overlook the countless ways that God has supplied for, protected, and strengthened us when we are preoccupied with the pressures that life places on us. The act of expressing gratitude and praise to God underlines His faithfulness and serves as a reminder that we are not alone. God has not disregarded us in any way, and his concern for us is profound.

You can look back on the entries in your thankfulness diary for words of encouragement and inspiration whenever you feel the need. Declare to the Lord how thankful you are to Him as well, and mean every word.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever” (Psalm 107:1).

I want to extend to you today an invitation to make a commitment to give thanks to God on a daily basis by keeping a thankfulness journal and sharing your thanks and praise with God. When we express gratitude, we reestablish a connection with the one who has been our ultimate sustainer, keeper, and protector. Gratitude is the bridge that will keep us linked to our loving God, whether we are experiencing joyful or tough seasons in life.


Pray and converse with God

Each day the most effective means through which we can communicate with God is through prayer. When we pray, we express our gratitude and appreciation to God, we hand over our worries, and we tell God what's on our minds and in our hearts. The only thing God desires is for us to freely approach Him and grow in our relationship with him. To begin praying, there is no need to wait until a critical situation has arisen. Have conversations with God throughout the day about both the large and the little thing.

James 5:16 states “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

It is a good approach to nurture our relationship with God and reconnect with Him if we pray to him throughout the day as if he were a close friend. Make a prayer to God asking for guidance, wisdom, courage, self-assurance, and healing. Because God loves and cares about us to such an extent, He never closes the door to our relationship with Him and longs for us to return to Him in haste. You should make it a habit to talk to and pray to God at various points during the day, and you should set aside some time at the end of each day to thank God for the ways in which He has sustained and strengthened you.

The more we make a habit of talking to God on a regular basis, the deeper and more meaningful our connection will become. In times of trouble, we won't only come to God out of a sense of responsibility; rather, we'll come to Him because we know that He is our safe haven and the aid that we can count on the most. Allow God to rekindle your desire to spend time in communion with Him and discuss anything and everything with Him.

Maybe some of my readers are wondering why out of the many things that can be written, why I wrote this. Because I noticed that in the past few days when I scroll on my social media that many of the people facing problems today.

So I just want to let you know that there is someone who can help us in times of difficulty. Let's not be ashamed to approach him because no matter how many our sins are, he will still listen and accept us. Have a blessed Sunday everyone.

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Disclaimer:All texts are mine and original, as stated. Any resemblance to other content is entirely coincidental, as is any similarity.

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