Who does not give results, gives excuses

There is a big difference between exciting and motivating. It is very useful to know the difference so that you can find the key you need when you want to be productive, as well as positively influence others and get them to mobilize in pursuit of their goals and thus avoid confusing analysis with paralysis and turn organizational and method processes into endless days, thus adopting a bad habit.

To you as a leader, father, or mother of a family, when you want your children or collaborators to do something, it is not enough with words, it is not enough to tell them “let's keep going, that if it is possible”... No!! ... This does not work like that and much less if you instill fear in them, what you have to give them are reasons, reasons, and actions, that drive them to mobilize and that is that things are not easy in life.

Nowadays, we live in an environment with a lot of distractions

One of the real causes of the lack of personal growth is that we give more strength to solve our weaknesses than to enhance our strengths, the real reason is lost. Nothing like making the most of our strengths (let's get excited). When we align ourselves with those abilities that we have as deposited within us, our potential expands, and we get on our way to our purpose. And we not only give strength to our own strengths but also to that of others we make this world a better place.

If you want to be successful, you have to earn it. The pursuit of success also implies being willing to fail. We are suffering from impoverishment in concentration. The immediacy of technology has a lot to do with this problem, among other situations. And it is at that moment when you must get up and keep fighting every time, over and over again, until you achieve what you set out to do and what you want with all your might... I'm talking about building it because it doesn't come by chance, nor is it a matter of luck.

Without a doubt, discipline is necessary and when combined with habits, true transformation is achieved

We need to progress as a society, develop ourselves, give the best of each one, and be the best people and professionals, that is a way to shine, add value, make a difference, and teach others in the face of so much mediocrity and lack of desire to work, distractions, lies, impressions, and excuses, how much the "example to follow" is needed in companies, that tasks are fulfilled without asking questions that divert the expected result of the task, and that the answer is "Understood, task accomplished; goal achievement".

Everyone should decide the kind of life they want to live, but I am convinced that some do not know

The lack of concentration has a very high cost, then what remains is to look for excuses. Really the superficiality of current life, I think, is what has led us to immediacy, and from there comes the desire to cover everything, with which we do not grab anything. To take advantage of, appreciate, and understand what we do and what happens to us, we must present, as much attention as possible, to the task entrusted to us.

It will sound feminist, but it's like being accompanied by a handsome man (everyone is handsome, by the way) and not paying attention to him, not enjoying the moment of his company, for being distracted watching the cell phone in total absence for example; we already know what happens when that repeats.

Really, if the world understood that, if we were ready to do what belongs to each one of us, about what has to be said and given ... already the Martians (about those who walk around, and it is a very current topic) would have come to live here on our planet.

Today I look at my walk, in constant development, without risking everything for unproductive outbursts of emotion and I recognize that there is no turning back... and the legacy have given is to be cultivated by others and to be able to act with assertiveness...always with a reason, a motive to keep going.In the cover image, my beloved dad.

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