Today I resort to discipline to do what…

Maybe I don't feel like doing, but that brings me closer to what I deeply want to experience. She is very, very naughty, sometimes escapes me, running after another more attractive and seductive idea. Maintaining it is a complex process, which responds to opaque interests. And so it should be, it is part of the mysteries that we are discovering with self-knowledge... She, "the motivation" is somewhat undisciplined many times.

It is then that the discipline appears, less popular, but much more stable. It owes its bad reputation to its origins, which are often linked to iron controls that are easily mixed with self-exigency and self-criticism. But they are not the same.

She, the discipline cooperates, and does not compete, is the one who decides to make her way by walking knowing that it will not be easy since it can come from convictions about what we do, from the search for well-being (not just doing well) and also from the need to know more and better about ourselves.

What things do I need discipline for today?

Motivation... discipline... sometimes and despite how useful they are, it is difficult to have them "active”, to keep them present, to be able to resort to them as a lifeline or as a vital force, for example, to do exercises sometimes it's time to start without the desire because we know what we're going to feel when we finish and the motivation will return, meanwhile let's resort to discipline

Sometimes the ceiling is so low... Sometimes I see it high, until I touch it helplessly and learn from my limitations.

And before the ceiling against which one day I crashed my head “for what I interpret as insufficiency" first as a human being who respects his essence, biorhythms and nature......then the interesting world of personal growth and development, which confronts the demons, predators, perpetrators and adversaries that life presents, and finally of that indeterminate thing they call new age. Everything so precious. And limited. That which I cannot explain... I give myself to it today because I can certainly feel it.

There are days when the limits of my profession are drawn before me. They remind me that knowledge, which I try so hard to cultivate, is not enough to calm the pains of a very wounded heart. They connect me with a kind of invisible chain of professions that for centuries have tried to understand and lull the aching human soul. From shamans to psychiatrists, one soul versus another soul, everyone will have once been as I feel today: limited, and not very motivated.

More than growing old “with style”, I would say that I do it with awareness, coherence and fullness... this gives me the flow to bring the best of my inner self, with the voice of my childhood that does not lie me.

This limitation takes me to the lukewarm place of humility and invites me to my spiritual world, there, where I am small and tiny. Then the learned knowledge becomes insufficient... but daring to feel and recognize those feelings connects me from the spiritual with the discipline.

I have the strong conviction that nothing makes us more fulfilled than living from authenticity, and I spend a lot of personal and professional time exploring the paths that lead us to it. Discipline is a wonderful guide that encourages and encourages doing more to look and feel better from the inside out.

It pushes the motivation to look at ourselves with the reflectors inward to get our own light and keep walking and understanding that yes, we are light, but we are also shadows and that's okay

I'm just a person doing as much as he can with who he is and what he knows...

Every time I decide to do instead of procrastinating and every time I decide to stop instead of "doing" without reflecting. Let this flower speak of its seed and let the harvest time speak of my long and silent process... not suffered, not necessarily painful.

Everything adds up in that internal process that allows me to flourish, wherever life has taken me... this is discipline. Mindfulness in these days of Easter takes me away from the networks and brings me closer to people.

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