Seeds of Knowledge

When they say out there that the sky is the limit, they mean that your abilities to go far in life, to reach ever greater heights, are enormous and possible. Understanding that real life and the possible are infinitely superior to what is circumscribed in the mind.

It's daring to think big. To act and look for what seems impossible, the great, what makes us leave the comfort zone, to move to a new one only then we will be able to impress ourselves by achieving what we deserve so much.

Only one can achieve it by oneself, no one will give it to you or do it for us.

Speaking of comfort zone, every day I make conscious to get out of the zone. As for stimulating neuroplasticity, I always focus on doing things in daily life differently. From brushing with a different hand to exercising backwards, walking on different sidewalks every time, going to different supermarkets.

Actually I avoid getting used to the way of doing things and I work to avoid the control and extreme attachment that I think lead to suffering, I don't always succeed, but I try again and again, and I don't stop doing it daily

I think this practice has been coming since I studied high school at the college of internal nuns, so today I looked in my library for my first and already elderly philosophy books, some of them I inherited from my mother who has a degree in philosophy and letters, writer, painter I think in another post I will tell you about this great mother.

I did the curating, cleaned the books and organized them to show them, some of them I will donate to the public library of my city. In this place the seeds of knowledge, grow and germinate towards the sky.

It was one of the subjects that I liked the most in high school, philosophy; I used to take a lot of exams, and then I didn't have time to answer the other subjects, and the nun Sol Margarita, I think that's her name, told me to be more astute, to answer less in this subject and divide my time for the others as well. But one is intense and passionate, haha, and I almost forgot about it afterward.

The fact is that I have always liked to get into the depths of things and myself, and search... into question... refute...delve... know what's going on?, Why is it happening? And for what?, in life, and discuss almost everything, I look for logic, coherence, to understand, to go beyond... truth... I have always been very curious, and a free thinker...

Almost all of these books are underlined and dated by me in the 70s, and I have taken several surprises when I leafed through them, some inherited with their signature and date, and from the little things I kept between their pages, haha, I always like to do it, so that tomorrow I will have a record of today's times.

There is the key to everything.

It used to be said "life has to be taken with a lot of philosophy" and that of... "you have to have common sense to walk through life..."it is true that we have to prepare, study constantly, trust in our talent and work, that's how things are achieved.

I really confess that while uploading this photo, I felt so nostalgic that my eyes watered. I know that you will see it as a normal photo on the cover of this publication, a little old, not so sharp, without good resolution, not much production, but for me, it immortalized one of the moments of my improvement while studying high school, they were a reason to get to what you know about me today, I have treasured these books with a lot of affection, and it was very special to be able to read them, today they take flight for other hands and other knowledge.

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