Discreetly peeking out here...

To tell you about the consequence/reaction that every action has, and that is why, I take care of what I do, and I don't mean that I have a control of what I do or that I am calculating and measuring my steps, no. I mean that everything has a result, and sometimes a so that that makes others react to what I do, either positively or negatively.

Sometimes people walk around doing harm as if it were nothing and expect to be welcomed with open arms later. Or they do some things that are negative and expect others to accept or understand them. Well, no. We have to be responsible for what we do and take the consequences. Almost all of us (myself included) have ever criticized, no one is saved, whoever says otherwise, is lying.

Maturing and understanding that others do not have to support your actions, lead me to this question. What if we do the exercise and let down a little the Being (the other one) criticizing others?.

To see in the other, defects or behaviors that maybe you do not like, it is possible that you are speaking from your ego, you feel superior to the other, or you simply believe yourself with the right to do so, to manipulate their life or are you projecting yourself? It is necessary to check, that is, to look at the internal weed to prune it in time.

There are low-profile harassment, subliminal messages, power double-talk conversations, when I identify the verb as body language, I pay close attention to it, in these cases my intuition almost never fails me and I run away from such people and if possible I put them in evidence, without my pulse trembling because No one has the right to harass; unless you confer the authority to do so.

We all make mistakes, but we will always have the opportunity to correct them. It's up to you to make amends or at least apologize. Times change, or we are living the destiny we have come to experience, with the necessary changes... What it is.

The question I always ask myself, how have I been resurrected and come back to life?

Taking the stones out of the backpack and walking as lightly as possible, recognizing the other along the way, turning the page without falling into judgment or criticism, everyone has their story because they act it by attending to their needs and ignoring yours.

I have discovered that the beautiful also burns, sometimes disturbs, hurts, tears, reveals, the beautiful transforms, and in order for that transformation to happen we have to die, die to all those ideas, beliefs that have made us prisoners of ourselves and others... Right there, is the beauty, the beauty of knowing that on the other side of this burning fire is true freedom.

If I am clear that I am not harming anyone, I move on.

This ends up being necessary to live from truth and authenticity in order to grow. There are "good" things that hurt... there are right decisions that hurt, everything is a process that serves to learn. Depending on the perspective with which the situation is looked at, we can always make the best of the worst. Breaking down limiting beliefs to really get rid of everything.

Nowadays, I take things, depending on who it comes from, and if on the way what it brings is ITS poison, In try as much as possible not to hurt or affect me. To this kind of people who are a means to an end because they just want to manipulate me, I just wish that every day brings them a transformed me because, before they die, they have already died many times…

I'll never get tired of celebrating, seeing the discretion of this flower of my magical blooming cactus of the season that surprises me, peeking out like spring, like me, even between thorns it goes on onward and upward ...!

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