Discovering Your Purpose

The purpose is the basic unit of existence just as people say the cell is the basic unit of life. The two most greatest days in a human's life is the day the human was born and the day the human discovers his or her purpose in life. Your main existence on earth is tied up with a purpose everyone has a purpose no matter the race either black or white, no matter the gender either Male or female we all have our own peculiar purpose. Your purpose on earth is quite different from another person's purpose so never let anyone deceive you. If anyone has ever told you that you are useless you are going to be nothing in the future don't listen to them prove them wrong by pushing hard, and keep on fighting no matter the hardship I assure you in life you would become great. If you are willing to take the hard way the more complicated way the one with many failures than the success you would discover your purpose in life. If you fail to discover your purpose it's just as if you wasted your time just imagine you playing a game and an opponent attacks you without you fighting back this means you lost already that's how life is exactly the one enemy you have to defeat first is your self, the body never wants to work all the body wanted is to always relax if you let your body control you, you would end up failing. Purpose crosses discipline, it is better than finding a job if you have a job with lots of money but you still fail to discover your purpose it's all a waste. The easiest way to find your purpose is to keep challenging yourself in a good way most of us have talents but we fail to make use of them most of us done even know we have this talent so until you challenge yourself to do something you would never know who you truly are you would never know your true purpose on earth. Even a mad man on this earth has a purpose for instance if your ways a meant to be changed and you don't know this God can send an insane person to tell you this God sometimes does this so you can think through yourself self I know you may keep wondering how Is this possible but yes mad man may be fulfilling a purpose.
Lots of humans have wasted their time, talents and a lot more. For you who have the opportunity to read this make good use of your talents and try to discover your purpose and why you are on earth.
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