Think like a Viking: Part sixty

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Cattle die, kinsmen die, all men are mortal. Words of praise will never perish, nor a noble name.

Thursday's are Viking quote days although I'm doing every second Thursday now and interspersing my, think like a leader, series on the alternate day. Sometimes I choose a quote randomly and sometimes based upon relevance or meaning to my life, and share some thoughts on it. These thousand year old phrases still offer value in modern society. original im src

This week's Viking quote

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Cattle die, kinsmen die, all men are mortal. Words of praise will never perish, nor a noble name.

- The Havamal -

Most people go through life not having to contemplate their demise; certainly as a younger person the end seems distant. It's uncomfortable for some to think of also, I guess. Of course, there are also many who have no choice but to accept the inevitable will happen and contemplate the end of their life: The terminally ill, soldiers and some first responders or those in hazardous jobs as well as the elderly.

Personally, I'm very prepared to die and have my affairs in order. That's not to say I dwell upon my death or want it to come quickly, just that I am prepared for it and the process of dealing with my death is made a little easier for those I leave behind through that preparation.

No, I most definitely don't dwell on death, but I certainly dwell on life!

Someone close to me is currently facing an imminent end-of-life scenario and it's been interesting, and stressful, watching it play out. It's made me think about life a little more, my own and that of others, and the fact that what we do in it is what really matters. It's that which has prompted the quote this week.

We all die, there is absolutely no denying the fact; but do we all truly live?

Are we all filling our individual lives and that of those around us with passion, personality, thoughts, attitudes and actions that make for what could be deemed as a wonderful life? Are we shaping it, creating it in the image of that which we would like to see? I can't speak for others, but I know I try to do so and whilst I fail a great deal, I succeed a great deal also. But maybe I'm biased and declare my life good, wholesome and successful because it feels good to think it...but am I taking actions that do the same for others, how do they see me, and will they think well of me when I'm gone?

I'll admit that when I die, I don't know what will happen. I'm non-religious so don't hold any preconceptions about what may be next. I have some hopes of course, but who knows right? I could end up down below with Lucifer for all I know, if such a place even exists. I also believe it's unlikely I'll care what people think of me after I'm gone but...I care now.

Let me clarify that though; I don't stress about what other people's perceptions of me are.

I mean that I care about how I live my life and how I treat myself and those I value around me. I focus on how I care for and protect them and what causes I choose to champion. I care that I show personal integrity and honour in accordance with my code, my ethos and goals and I care that I take ownership of my successes and failures, thoughts, attitudes and actions. I care that I show courtesy where it's due, that I punish bad behaviour when it's required and that I'm humble, kind and generous. I also care that I uphold the values my parents instilled in me and those I acquired throughout my life and I'm passionate about being passionate. There's more, but I think you get the idea.

I understand that people's perception of others will always overwrite the reality for the observer as someone looking in from a distance may not see or know the greater picture, but I'd like to think those who look at me with honest eyes, those who care to know me well, see a man with integrity, one who tries to be a good person and sometimes succeeds.

I don't dwell on death, not even in the least little bit, it's life that has my focus.

I don't play a game so that others may see me in a better light, I'm just my real self: Imperfect, flawed, fallible and fucken weird at times I guess...just like you. I'm also the opposite though, and I guess somewhere in between is where people see me, or maybe at one extreme or the other. I know some look at me and see the complete opposite of others and that's always going to happen, but I'm the one who has to look in the mirror and like what I see, or be content with it. I don't need praise from others and who or how many like me doesn't really matter either. I need to like myself, to feel I stand tall and in accordance with my values - I have to be able to look myself in the eye and like what I see.

That's it for this week, a thousand year-old Viking quote about life and being the right person in one's own life to cause thoughts of happiness, contentment and fulfillment within oneself and to push it outwards to others one cares about.

Please feel free to disagree with my interpretation and add your own in the comments below, or simply tell me what your life strategy is and if you're on track towards it.


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Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

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