To Be Happy, We Have To Be Thankful

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Image by KAL VISUALS from

We all know that happiness is a choice. It's how we choose to be in the world, and how we choose to think about it. But what if there was something else? What if there was a way to be happier, even if you didn't feel like you were making any choices at all?

There are so many things that happen in life that make us sad, or angry, or frustrated. And while it's true that they can't be avoided entirely—some of them are just part of life—there are things we can do to make sure that we don't let those things define us.


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The first step is being grateful for what you have: your family, your friends, your health and safety. If you can find a way to appreciate these things, you'll feel better about yourself and the world around you. When we're feeling down or depressed, it's easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and feelings. The first thing we want is something that will make us feel better—and sometimes the easiest way to do that is by doing something that brings us pleasure or excitement! But then we find ourselves back in the same place where we were before: feeling down, lonely, and unhappy.

But there's another way: being grateful for all the good things in life. When we're thankful for something positive happening around us, we're able to see past our own problems and focus instead on how fortunate we are to have so many wonderful things happen every day! And because these things make us feel good about ourselves even when times are tough (like when our favorite TV show ends), they help prepare us for those times when things aren't going well.


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The second step is being kinder to people who need kindness: friends and family members who may not always deserve it; strangers on the street who are struggling; even yourself! If someone needs a helping hand because they're having a tough day or week or month; if someone has done something nice for you without expecting anything in return; if someone has hurt your feelings without meaning to do so… then give whatever help you can give them! It may not change anything for them right away… but it will make you feel better about yourself.

The key here seems to be that gratitude can help you feel content with your life, which is why it's such an important part of happiness. It's not just about being grateful—it's about being grateful for things like your health or your relationship with someone else.


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We're all familiar with the concept of gratitude—the act of being thankful for what you have. But what does it mean to be grateful? And why is it important?

The first thing to know about gratitude is that there are different ways of expressing it. Some people express their gratitude by saying "thank you," while others express their gratitude with actions. For example, one person may express their gratitude by giving a gift to another person, while another person may express their gratitude in the form of assistance or kindness. The important thing here is that you should choose the way that works best for you and your situation.


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Another thing to keep in mind when practicing gratitude is that this doesn't mean you should only be thankful for things that happen to you. This can lead us into a place where we feel like we need something from others or a place where we feel like we deserve something from others (which means we'll see less happiness). Instead, try focusing on everything good around us and then thanking them for it!

We all know that gratitude is good for our health and happiness. But did you know it can actually reduce our stress levels?

In a recent study published in the journal Psychological Science, researchers found that people who wrote down three things they were grateful for each day reported less stress and anxiety than those who didn't write down any gratitude statements. What's more, the more positive statements they made, the better they felt overall!


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So if you've got a few minutes before bedtime, pick up your journal and write down three things that make you feel grateful today—and then try to incorporate those same thoughts into your everyday life. You'll be surprised at how much better off you'll feel!

To be happy, we have to be thankful. That's the bottom line.

In fact, gratitude is a skill that can be learned and practiced. And the more you practice it, the more proficient you become at being grateful.

We often forget how important it is to express our gratitude—because it seems so easy to just let things go and move on with life. But gratitude is an incredibly powerful practice that changes your brain and your behavior in ways that make you happier and healthier. And it's also a great way to help others!

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