Stick or Twist: The secret of the ultra rich.

How to avoid a midlife crisis and achieve your dreams

After listening to the story of hundreds of entrepreneurs, there was one counterintuitive skill they had all mastered.

The ability to know when to stick or twist.

What do I mean by this?

In life we are told, that to succeed, you must stick at a profession in college. Specialise and 5 years later get into a good job, stick at it and 40 years later buy a house. Stick at that and 10 years later buy 2.

Now you’re 80 and can barely enjoy your money.

What all successful people have in common is the confidence and ability to know when to twist.

I remember countless times when I was unhappy and even starting to get depressed. Going through the motions of a life I didn’t want to live. Not only that, but the path I was walking didn’t lead to where I wanted to go.

The fear of uncertainty and what others would think of me kept me paralysed.

I was in a good university. An easy and set path to a good, steady job. Thats fine for some people.

On top of that I thought I had found the love of my life and was in a very comfortable relationship.

It would’ve been the easy option to stick and be in my comfort zone, but deep, deep down I knew It wasn’t right for me.

So I dropped out, left my 1 year relationship and chased my dreams. Now i’m happier and more productive, doing something I love. These are the benefits of twisting.

No matter what people might think or say or the risk involved they will constantly move jobs, professions, businesses or relationships when it no longer serves their purpose.

Equally, we can all get lazy sometimes. Knowing when to stick and grind at something is equally important. This prevents you running from 1 thing to the next like a headless chicken.

The way to figure out if you are just a bit demotivated is to ask yourself: Will the blood, sweat and tears be worth it over the next 5/10/20 years? If the answer is yes, then you just need to keep pushing and stay disciplined until you reach your dream.

I wrote this as I think sometimes we can get too comfortable in a situation we know isn’t good for us. Thats why, knowing successful people actually do the complete opposite of what is told to us, can be a good to think on.

Just ask yourself, is it time to stick or twist.


Follow through and watch your life change for the better.

Have a great day people :)

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