The Linux Lummox

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to celebrate taking the first baby step of getting to using a Linux environment!


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The Linux Lummox

I've been meaning to do it for so long, probably a number of years at this point.. What have I been procrastinating? Getting Linux set up finally!

I know that we all have our comfort zones and things that we prefer. There are a lot of modern conveniences when it comes to using the big companies products like Apple, Windows and so many others. Over time though, one of the things that keeps getting identified is how challenging these companies are at a lot of things, and one of the big ones is privacy. One of the things that I am trying to make sure is that I do these things and learn the ropes while I still can, though it's true that you're never too late to learn something as important as this, so it's a good time to get started when you can.


One of the things that has been a little bit of a barrier is trying to figure out all of the different things I need and need to do. It's absolutely easy and convenient to install Windows and just go with the latest updates and all that. They try to make it as easy and convenient for you as they can, because they know that most of the time once they get into you, they won't be worried too much about you changing and doing something different.

Habits are a hell of a thing, aren't they? I know that I've been proud to say that I don't have that many habits that I would consider to be not ideal but when I thought about some of the ones I do have, I wanted to see if I could challenge myself and eliminate those types of things. Getting onto Linux and taking the ownership of my device and the data associated with it is one of those important first steps!


I haven't gotten completely stood up with the environment yet, I've got the software on my computer right now and I've downloaded a USB boot software that is apparently needed. I haven't had the time yet to sit down for an hour or more to get it installed but I am hoping to do that over the coming days and really get this thing running full speed. I know that there are going to be a significant number of learning curves and challenges I'll be facing but I'm a little excited to do it in a weird type of way.

One of the things that I enjoy doing is challenging myself because that often leads to growth on many levels. Growth in the knowledge is important but it allows us to think in different and unique ways which is good! I know that so many people are being forced down a path where we are led to be soft and fragile but it's so important for us to not travel down that path, as convenient and easy as it is! By learning to take the basics into our hands like using Linux where we have more control and can decide what we install and what we share from our device, we can start to take back better control of our lives in my opinion. It all starts with one step though!


I just hope that I don't completely fucking destroy my computer hahaha that's what I'm most afraid of!

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