Academic Inspirations

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about a goal that I'm trying to set for myself when it comes to academics!


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One of the things that I really enjoyed about being in college years ago was that I got to read some remarkable stuff. That certainly doesn't stop me from doing that though, but time is certainly a factor! What I'm trying to do now, is that I'm going to try and read one academic paper a week!

What is the driver of this, you say? Well I was listening to a few podcasts recently, as I'm wont to do and one of my favorite podcasters Randall Carlson had mentioned that he has read a number of academic papers per week, every week, for the last 40 years. I think that's insane! I know I would love to be able to get to that, and perhaps one day I will, but for now I want to set my goal at the lower end of the spectrum given the different life commitments that I've got going on.

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There are so many benefits to reading a number of academic papers and of least is that you spread your horizons around quite a bit! I know that it's important to be able to expose ourselves to a vastly different perspective. This is something that is sorely lacking these days! We are being shoved into such small bubbles that it's quite unfortunate. A lot of the issues of the world today are because we are infinitely connected however equally infinitely isolated in our own little bubbles. Instead of talking to people from vastly different backgrounds and abilities we are being corralled into such small groups that we fight with each other and that's not beneficial to anyone, nevermind to the species as a whole!

I would like to think, without tooting my own horn, that I've come quite a long way in the last 20 years or so with my perspective changing quite a bit. I've been all over the spectrum on a number of topics, academically, philosophically, spiritually and politically. I think this is such a crucial piece of life, being able to adjust around the various aspects of life and society to determine where we fit in most, where we feel home.


Where I want to make an improvement to myself, and hopefully to others around me, is to be able to find an academic paper a week and read through it. It will be of varying discourses and topics but in order for something to be published academically, at least in the last 30 years or so, it had to go through quite a rigorous process and has a lot of incredible information in it. These days, post 2018 onward I would say, there is much less rigor and more bias and political leaning of the academic world. I think this is equally fascinating however I don't know how much I will be able to glean from those at the moment versus where I can gain some good grounding in papers of historical past.

One of the first papers that I'm going to be reading is one that I learned about from Taskmaster's recent video on the state of the economy and how we are in a depression. The former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke wrote a lot about the Great Depression of the 1930's before he was a Fed chairman and I may have known a little bit about that piece, what I wanted to read is his academic take on it and learn more about history. History is something that we can use in order to improve our understanding of the world we live in today so that we can benefit it, change things that we see repeating themselves in the historical lessons, and improve the world for future generations. This is absolutely why history is repeatedly being erased from those in power who want to hide and remove those important lessons from the people of their respective countries.


I am hoping that I can attain my goal of one academic paper a week, starting this coming week. This will greatly help me broaden my perspectives on life and allow me to gain understanding of a wide array of topics. I won't profess to be an expert in any of them however having a taste of things like that are important for us as intellectual beings.

If you've made it this far and are reading this comment here, please give me some recommendations of academic papers that you think would be worthwhile for me to read! I would love to get some in the queue for analysis and may even reward with a little bit of Hive for those that offer ones that really pique my interest!

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