Change Without the Need for High Motivation

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Change Without the Need for High Motivation, Every goal and desire you want to achieve, the improvement you want to achieve, the success you want to achieve all require change.

To change requires action or behavior that is not just temporary. Therefore, all changes will be useless if the results are not permanent.

So, don't get your hopes up only on motivation because it fluctuates indefinitely. The only thing that can change permanently is continuous improvement.

These consistent behaviors or actions that take this regular step forward are called habits. By cultivating one or more habits, motivation becomes something that is not needed. Motivation is only a bonus or additional encouragement.

However, this habit will become an action that is carried out automatically, acting without waiting for high motivation or conditions that must be conducive first. In order for this behavior to be automatic, it is necessary to maintain consistency in routine actions, regardless of quality and quantity.

So, at the initial stage of instilling this habit, consistency is necessary so that it is always done without fail. In order not to fail, just make it easy for the actions you want to do regularly so that they become habits without grandiose targets. For example, if you intend to be diligent in exercising, you can just do push ups once a day, without having to be absent.

Just one Push-Up is a very, very easy behavior to do even if there is no motivation. The important thing is to do it consistently, it will form a more efficient neural pathway.

So automatically acts without needing to spend mental energy or needing motivation anymore. Like driving a car, it requires a lot of focus and attention at first but gradually becomes automatic.

Even if it's just one simple behavior, this little habit will instill and strengthen neural connections in the brain. Once firmly entrenched as a habit, even if small, it installs and runs automatically according to routines and procedures thanks to one simple thing: Don't Be Afraid. Starting from the simple steps of a baby, slowly but surely until it works.

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