When all else fails, do not worry too much, you will just be.

When you have nothing to write about or are unsure of where to begin, do not fret as the universe is inside you and though the world feels so large and you think you will not get anywhere, all you have to do is breathe and everything will fall into place.

I know the video is all black but trust me it is worth your while to watch it. In fact it could change the world, not just immediate to your surroundings but at a global level.

First off I thank you for reading up to this point and hopefully you have watched that video, I know its a long one but it was well worth your time. Right?

Second you are now wondering what will I tell you that will have you mind blown. Well for starters as I stared into the screen in the last hour or so I found myself thinking of how I can write a post. I watched @tpkidkai video on 3speak.

Content Creation Ideas for Beginners

It had me thinking of beginnings. After all we all have to start somewhere. Some place. Some time. Anytime. I will not bore you with the details swimming around my head, even I am afraid what goes in there sometimes. But I found myself in Splinterlands. No this is not a Splinterland post. There are far too many creators and I am not one of them.

I found myself in the cards page and for some reason I stumbled on an angel card. Next thing I know I purchase 100 of them LOL. No idea. I just a brain fart and had spare Hive so why not! Honestly I am still wondering why I did it, but I did it. Now I have never played around with the game mechanics that often but I have combined a card or two in the last two years I have had an account there.

My goodness I am digressing.

Well long story short I combined the hundred, KAPOOT! Nothing special happened. No bells and whistles. It was very anti climatic. But none the less there is now 100 less cards of that particular one in circulation. So #splinterlands players you are welcome!

Now back to the main focus of this post. When you are staring into the abyss. The screen. In front of you. Write. Nothing in particular just what ever comes into your mind and out your bum, joke. Out of your fingers into the keyboard. Frantically pressing the keys hoping to God that you don't blow out your keyboard. Do not hold back. IN fact don't think just write or type. Which ever comes naturally.

Words will form.

I think, as I read some of the big writers here. Everything they write are all just about their inner thoughts anyway. Yes, there are some that reference some posts with links to videos or images but in the end what defines their post. What is the main focus in their post? Words. Yes. It is all about the music and rhythm that draws the eyes. Further and further into the abyss. The same abyss that was there in the beginning trying to draw out your thoughts into paper. Or screen. Or what ever medium we all get to in the end.

Hell in a million years it could all be in the dust. All for nothing.

But you will never know unless you just let your fingers and keys run wild. Run gazelles. Run. Fast and free or the lions of the Serengeti will catch you and eat you up before you have the chance to show the world what is inside of you.

Do not worry about redrafting.

That is for the faint hearted. The ones that are there for perfection. You are human. You are not perfect. Just do it.

Cliché I know. But. Really. Just. Do. It.

Now you've reached the end.

Looking back, or in your case, thinking back you will have done something that you thought not possible because of the abyss that threatened to keep anything away from you. I will just say this. Do not worry about what you write, instead question yourself why have you not written enough about the demons or inner being that is inside of you.

Thank you for getting to this part.

We out.

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Thanks for your time

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